My favorite time of year has finally arrived! The christmas season never fails to bring joy to my heart. Along with the carols, the hot chocolate, the presents and the snow, there is one more thing I have to admit I love about christmas, and that would be christmas photos! Here are 7 beautiful christmas photos to give you inspiration to decorate your home for this holiday season!
Snapshot Survey
1. Patriotic Christmas
Photo Credit: southernsteelar
Being a future military wife myself (only 8 weeks and counting!), I full support our troops! Around christmas, the morale of our soldiers overseas tends to get a little lower than normal. Do your part to support our troops and send a christmas package for them to enjoy! Oh and don't forget to decorate your home in patriotic colors this season!
2. Baby's First Christmas
Photo Credit: daisychick_1
What can be more beautiful than the most precious creation in the world? A sleeping baby never fails to touch my heart. I think this little one may be dreaming of all the toys they will find under the tree on christmas morning! Just look at that sweet expression on his or her little face and tell me that doesn't want to make you spread some christmas cheer?
3. Christmas Lights
Photo Credit: halmorgan
There are few things less lovely than christmas lights on a winters eve night. I love how these trees just seem to glow with radiance! It's as if you can feel the anticipation of christmas on it's way, busy shoppers rushing around trying to finish up buying gifts and get them wrapped before Santa arrives!
4. Snow Covered Bridge
Photo Credit: outsideshot
Few things bring to mind a thought of christmas like a snow-covered bridge can! It reminds me of the song "over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house we go"! And I can hardly imagine a christmas without going to grandmothers house! For me, that's tradition.
5. Hot Cocoa
Photo Credit: believer9
Ahhh! Now tell me this picture doesn't give you an instant craving for some good ol' Hot choco! It certainly does me! I love to stir my cocoa with a peppermint stick and I especially love to sip it on a cold winter's night. Warms me right down to my toes!
6. Christmas Stockings
Photo Credit: boopsie.daisy
All that's missing from this picture is Santa sliding down the chimney and stuffing those stockings full of goodies! I love the bright cheerful feeling of this photo and how you can just "feel" christmas in the air! The red and white them makes me wish for a candy cane to eat! I alway say an old-fashioned christmas is the best christmas.
7. Away in a Manger
Photo Credit: Trensamiro
Amidst all the hustle and bustle, let's not overlook the true reason for the season! The birth of Christ is so often pushed to the side yet it's the whole meaning and devotion of christmas, I love this picture because it feels so peaceful and serene, just like the night that our Saviour was born. The whole photo seems to glow!
All of these photos represent different things that make christmas special and meaningful to me. There are so many more I would love to add but I won't take up anymore of your time today! Do you have a favorite christmas photo from my list today? Which one is it?
Top Photo Credit: Batikart