Make Your Webpage a Paying Business

By Olga

Make Your Webpage a Paying Business

Dear Ladies, I have great news for those of you who have their own blogs/sites or are about to launch one.

As you know, there are several ways of earning money in the Internet. And I have just learned that in addition to traditional Google AdSense, that many of us already use, there is an absolutely new tool that helps bloggers to generate sustainable income from the webpage.

This project is called "Review Me".

It works this way: their web address is To get started, you should submit your blog to the site and wait for their approval (it took them several minutes to approve my site). Along with the approval comes the pay rate for the reviews that will be on your site - the sum depends on your page rank, I suppose.

After your blog is submitted, "Review Me" will give you a list of poducts and services from which you can choose the ones that interest you/your readers and suit your site content in general. The last thing is to write a review for the product/service and post it on your site.

The review should not be very long, just several paragraphs with the essential information about the product/service and your personal opinion about it. After that you get the payment for every review on your special "Review Me" account. It's that easy!

Apart from the financial side, what I like most in this project is that it brings you fresh ideas and boost your creativity as for the site content. I am sure I am not the only one who often racks the brains for new article ideas :)

So, join in, get creative and strike it rich (ok, may be not crazy rich, but pretty well off:) on!

Author: Olga Moore

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