12 Kid-friendly Websites ...


12 Kid-friendly Websites ...
12 Kid-friendly Websites ...

The internet offers a vast amount of sites - both good and bad. So, how do we know which sites are good for our kids and which aren't? First, I must say that it is highly recommended that you get a blocker such as "Naomi" that will keep the worst sites out of reach of your children. Beyond that, I am giving you 12 sites that I have found that are clean for the eyes of your chilren - read on!

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abc.net.au This site has several really cool games for the younger members of your family. Among the games I checked out is "Count Us In" where kids learn counting by diving 12 sheep in half between to fences. Everything is very simple and clear.


giraffian.com This site has a clause saying that "While most of this site is suitable for young children, it is recommended that any time children spend on the Internet be supervised by an adult." However, from what I seen, there wasn't anything I wouldn't care for my child to see. There is a parents page, where you find some comical stuff that parents relate to. Other than that, it is cram packed with online books for kids, math games, reading games, etc. Your kids will love it!


fisher-price.com Fisherprice offers a games and activities page for infants, toddles and pre-schoolers with cute coloring pages, great games and other fun stuff! I love their games, because they're bright and cheerful, use the fishprice characters, and actually have recorded voices talking to them as they play, so they know what to do at all times.


magickeys.com You don't have to make a trip to the library anymore just to get a new book to read. Here is a website with tons of free online books for your toddlers and preschoolers to your older children!


storyplace.org Here is another online book site. This one, however, offers interactive stories, that will bring loads of laughter to both you and your children.


pbskids.org This site offers a lot of cool activities for older children. There is some great activities for animal lovers and such. You'll be quite pleased with this website.


crayola.com Crayola is a great, colorful site full of coloring pages and games! I think this is one of my favorites! They even have an area where you can take a personal picture and turn it into a coloring page.


learningplanet.com This website is a great learning source for your school age children. It offers many different activities to help with school and to stimulate the brain, including Sudoku!



ars.usda.gov This is yet one other great page for school children. Centered around science material, you can find things to inspire science projects and more!


For your history buff kids, or those needing a little nudge with history, this is a great tool!


aaamath.com 1,2,3 - get ready, set, do math! If math is the subject needing work, steer your children to this excellent math training website!


Here is a way to take your kids outdoors to learn in the dead of winter! How cool is this?

Keeping my child safe on the internet is one of my greatest priorities. The creators of these sites are such a blessing! Do you have any other sites you've found for your kids? Do you mind sharing with all the other concerned moms reading this?

Top Photo Credit: kuliomario

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