17 Necessities to Leave in Your Boyfriend's Bathroom ...


17 Necessities to Leave in Your Boyfriend's Bathroom ...
17 Necessities to Leave in Your Boyfriend's Bathroom ...

If you're in a serious relationship, you shouldn't hesitate to leave your stuff at your boyfriend's house. After all, it's easier to keep your possessions there than lugging them back and forth whenever you see him. If you're always sleeping over there, he shouldn't mind you cluttering up his house, so here are a few necessities you should leave in his bathroom:

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Tampons If your period arrives unexpectedly, it's nice to have tampons close by. That way, you won't end up getting blood all over his clean sheets.



Pads Even if you typically wear tampons, you should be wearing pads at night. That means you should have a stock of them somewhere in your man's bathroom.

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Toothbrush If you sleep over his house often, you need to have a toothbrush of your own. That's not something you should be sharing with him, even though you're always swapping spit.

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Bobby Pins

Bobby Pins Don't you hate bad hair days? The best way to deal with them is by sticking bobby pins in your hair to keep those unruly strands down.

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Hair Ties

Hair Ties If you want to get your hair out of your face, you'll need a hair tie. Unless your boyfriend has a manbun, he probably won't have any for you to borrow.

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Hairbrush Your hair is always going to look a little messy after sex. That's why you need to keep a hairbrush nearby.

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Lotion You don't want to hold hands with him if your skin is dry and flaky. Of course, a little lotion will clear that problem right up.

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Towels We tend to use a lot more towels than boys do. That's why you should bring a few extra, so you have enough to dry off your hair and body.

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Medicine If you take certain vitamins, you should leave an extra bottle at his house. That way, you'll never miss out on your daily dose.

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Deodorant You don't want to stink up his apartment. That's why you should always have a stick of deodorant in his drawers.

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Perfume If the deodorant isn't enough, your perfume can make you smell even sweeter. Don't forget to leave a bottle of it at his place.

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Contact Solution

Contact Solution If you wear contacts, make sure you have a case for them at his house. Of course, that means you should have solution, too.

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Makeup Remover

Makeup Remover You don't want to sleep in your lipstick and eyeshadow. If you're staying the night at his place, you're going to need some makeup remover.

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Nail Polish Remover

Nail Polish Remover If your nails get too chipped, you should have some remover to fix the mess.

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Condoms You can't count on him to have condoms ready. If you want to practice safe sex, you should buy some extra condoms to keep around his house just in case.

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Q-tips Boys don't always own the necessities. That's why you might have to buy them for him.

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Acne Cream

Acne Cream If you wear cream or a face mask at night, make sure you keep some at his house. You don't want to neglect your skin.

If you're in a serious relationship, you might as well keep the essentials at your boyfriend's house. Do you have your own drawers and cabinets at his place?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Um, why should we use pads at night? Tampons are safe to use overnight. Please check your information prior to posting.

And a few change of clothes, socks, and underwear! And a light weight jacket!

I have most of these, I call it my survival kit. Strongly agree on the extra underwear. Also, makeup!

In other words move in with him

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