All Women's Talk

7 Popsicles boozy Cool vous éteindre ce week-end...

Si vous souhaitez vous rafraîchir tout en profitant de certains de votre boisson alcoolisée favorite, vous avez appris à essayer quelques-unes de ces recettes pour sucettes glacées arrosées. Sucettes glacées sont un régal d'été classique et quand vous les associez avec une savoureuse boisson adulte, vous avez vous-même le régal d'été parfait ! Ils sont rafraîchissants, absolument délicieux et facile à faire, donc ils sont un moyen facile de le coup d'envoi de votre week-end ou profiter de certains « me » temps. N'hésitez pas à faire preuve de créativité avec certaines de ces recettes pour sucettes glacées arrosées, la seule limite est votre imagination !

Table of contents:

  1. pastèque Margarita Popsicles
  2. épicé pop Daiquiri aux fraises
  3. Mojito Popsicles
  4. Blackberry & Chèvre Popsicle
  5. Tequila-Spiked Mango Popsicles with Chile
  6. Mudslide Poptail
  7. Summer White Wine Fruit Popsicles

1 pastèque Margarita Popsicles

Ce que saveurs pourrait être plus approprié pour l'été que la pastèque et Marguerite ? Ces sucettes glacées arrosées ont un doux, mais aussi un peu de saveur aigre qui est rafraîchissant et oubliez pas de vous mettre dans l'ambiance d'été paresseux.

Ingrédients :

5 tasses de pastèque sans pépins, hachées

2 cuillères à soupe de jus de lime frais

2 cuillères à soupe de sucre en poudre

2 cuillères à soupe de liqueur d'orange

1/4 tasse de tequila clair ou argent

6 moules de popsicle

Itinéraire :

Réduire en purée tous les ingrédients dans un mélangeur jusqu'à consistance lisse. Filtrer le mélange pour jeter les solides, enlever toute la mousse et versez le mélange dans les moules à popsicle. Geler pendant une heure, insérer les bâtons de popsicle et congeler de nouveau pendant 24 heures ou jusqu'à la société.


2 épicé pop Daiquiri aux fraises

Fraises sont un autre fruit délicieux que paires bien avec des boissons alcoolisées et rend un popsicle savoureux cocktail. La recette contient cannelle et la cardamome qui va magnifiquement l'ensemble et ajoute une touche peu agréable à la pop de glace traditionnelle.

Ingrédients :

1 lb de fraises fraîches, parées et coupées en deux

1/2 tasse de rhum de choix

1/4 tasse de triple sec

1/2 tasse de sucre

3 cuillères à soupe de jus de lime frais

¼-1/2 c. à thé de cardamome

¼-1/2 cuillère à café de cannelle

Itinéraire :

Mélanger tous les ingrédients et les morceaux solides de la souche. Versez le mélange dans des moules de popsicle et fixez les bâtons. Placer le moule au congélateur pendant au moins 8 heures ou jusqu'à bien ensemble.

Source :

3 Mojito Popsicles

Mmm…Mojito! Mojitos make great cocktails and they make even better popsicles. They come out looking absolutely beautiful and you’re going to love serving these to your girlfriends. This recipe takes a little more time to make since you’ll be making a separate mint-infused sugar syrup and you have to prep the club soda and rum, but believe me, it’ll be worth it!


2 cups of white rum

11/2 cups club soda

.5 cup fresh lime juice

For mint-infused sugar syrup:

20-25 large fresh mojito or mint leaves

1 cup of water

¾ cup of sugar


Before you start making this recipe, you’ll need to flatten your club soda. The night before you plan on making this, pour out the amount you’re going to use, and place it in a big container in the refrigerator overnight.

You’ll also need to prepare the rum beforehand. Get 2 cups of rum and place in a deep saucepan. Once it starts bubbling, time for two minutes and let it boil. Once it boils, remove from heat immediately and carefully pour it into a heat safe container. Allow it to cool before using.

Now you’re ready to make the sugar syrup. Rinse the mint leaves and add them to a saucepan with water and sugar. Slowly bring it to a boil to dissolve the sugar. Raise the heat and boil for 1 more minute then simmer for about 4 minutes. Remove from the heat and leave the mixture to infuse for 30 minutes. Strain and throw out the mint leaves and allow it cool.

Once the syrup is cool, mix it with the rum, flat club soda and lime juice. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds, insert popsicle sticks and freeze overnight.


4 Blackberry & Chèvre Popsicle

If you’re wondering what Chevre is, it’s goat cheese. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but it’s supposed to be quite delicious. So, if you’re the adventurous type, don’t let the summer pass you by without making these cocktail popsicles!


1 ¼ Cups milk of choice

2-3 sprigs of fresh thyme

½ Cup Honey

½ Cup Chevre or “Goat Cheese”

1½ Cups of Blackberries

1 Cup of Brown Sugar

1/2 Cup of Bourbon


Start by warming up the milk in a saucepan but do not allow it boil. Add the fresh thyme to the milk, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

Pour the honey in the same pan and stir well. Next, pour the mixture into a measuring cup. Place the goat cheese in the pan and add equal parts goat cheese and milk mixture and whisk. (You might need to turn on the heat.)

Place the blackberries in another pan and mash them lightly. Add the brown sugar to the blackberries and warm the pan over medium heat until the sugar has melted and you have blackberry syrup. You should have at least one cup worth.

Next, transfer the blackberry syrup mixture into a large measuring cup (the measuring cup should be able to hold at least 2 cups). Mix in the bourbon and combine with the milk mixture. Pour into popsicle molds, insert sticks and freeze for at least 8 hours.


5 Tequila-Spiked Mango Popsicles with Chile

If you love mangoes as much as I do, this is the perfect adult indulgence for you. This flavorful popsicle is packed with flavor from the sweet mango and you can dip it in chile for a pretty garnish and to add a spicy kick!


3 cups of chopped mango

6 tablespoons of lime juice

6 tablespoons of agave

6 tablespoons of water

pinch of salt

61/2 tablespoons of tequila

chile powder


Place chopped mangoes, lime juice, agave, water, salt and tequila in a blender and puree until smooth. Pour the mixture into the molds and freeze. After 1 hour, insert popsicle sticks and freeze overnight. Once they’re ready, dip them in chile powder and enjoy!


6 Mudslide Poptail

What better way to enjoy a creamy mudslide than on a stick?! This is another easy recipe that basically requires you to mix, blend and freeze so you can whip it up in an instant. The only hard part is waiting for the popsicles to freeze.


2 ¼ cups of vanilla yogurt

1 medium sized banana

6 tablespoons of vodka

6 tablespoons of Kahlua

6 tablespoons of Bailey’s Irish Cream

3 tablespoons grated chocolate (optional for more texture and flavor)


Combine all of the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into popsicle molds, freeze for approximately one hour, insert sticks and freeze for an additional 8 hours.


7 Summer White Wine Fruit Popsicles

This fruity fresh recipe calls for Sauvignon Blanc, orange liqueur, brandy, white grape juice and lots of fresh and tasty fruit. Your tastebuds will be bombarded with flavor and you’ll get a piece of fruit in each luscious bite.


¾ cup of organic white grape juice

½ cup plus 1 tablespoon of Sauvignon Blanc

3 tablespoons of orange liqueur

2 tablespoons of brandy

1 medium nectarine

15 Ranier cherries

20 small sweet, seedless grapes


Slice the nectarine into small wedges, slice the grapes in halves and remove the pits from cherries and slice in half. Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl and allow it to steep for a few hours or even overnight. If steeping for longer than a few hours, place it in the refrigerator.

Evenly divide up the sliced fruits among the popsicle molds (avoid packing them in) and then pour in the liquid. Place the mold into the freezer and insert the popsicle sticks. You can cover the top of the popsicle mold with foil to stabilize the sticks. Freeze overnight and enjoy!


I hope you get to try out some of these yummy, boozy popsicles! Don’t they just sound amazing? Have you ever tried making cocktail popsicles before? If so, what kind did you make?

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