7 Tips to Waking up on Time ...


7 Tips to Waking up on Time ...
7 Tips to Waking up on Time ...

It's morning! Rise and shine! Do you have a problem just hearing that alarm and getting up? I do! I don't do mornings very well at all. So, here are a few things I have found that help me to hop to it when morning comes!

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Set More than One Alarm

Sure, go ahead and set an alarm right beside you, where snooze is close by, but if you really need to get up, set another, more annoying alarm in the next room, or at lease across the room where you must get out of bed to turn it off. That's sure to get you up - as long as you don't dive back in the bed!


Watch Your Bedtime

I don't know what it is with us adults, but for some reason, we think that because we're all grown up now, that bedtime doesn't matter anymore. However, if you have to get up at 6 A.M. it isn't wise to be awake at 1 and 2 in the morning! Go to bed!

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Love Caffeine

If you haven't fallen in love already, it is a good idea to start dating Mr. Coffee! I hate black coffee and because of that, I've stayed away from coffee for years. Lately, I've discovered the deliciousness of International Delight creamers that come in a variety of awesome flavors! I have fallen in love the Chocolate Caramel, and my favorite, Caramel Mocchiato!


Train Yourself

I found this really cool blog article. This man says that he re-trained his mind to get up as soon as the alarm goes off, by holding practice sessions during the day. You can read his entire article here: stevepavlina.com


Turn on Some Music

It's good to bring your spirits up with some jive-y tunes in the morning. So, shut the alarm off and straight over to your favorite station for some morning music! Dance on the way to the shower!

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While some prefer showering before bed, to get the day's dirt off, I prefer a morning shower. It's a great way to wake up! Splash some cold water on your face at the sink, then step into a nice, warm, refreshing shower to begin your day!


Let the Sunshine in

I love that song my Mama used to sing when I was a kid..."So let the sunshine in, face it with a grin. Smilers never lose and frowners never win. So let the sunshine in, face it with a grin, open up your heart and let the sunshine in." Get up and get those windows open. Sunlight is good for you in so many ways. Not only the vitamin D, but also, scientists say that it regulates serotonin levels, which decides whether you're sad or happy. That's why many people in places like Alaska suffer from depression - the lack of sunshine!

I hope these tips have helped learn how you can wake up and get to where you need to go, on time. How do you wake up on time?

Top Photo Credit: Ben Heine

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I have always problem in waking up on time. Probably I should watch my bed time properly.

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