5 Ways on how to grow out your eyebrows!

1. Coconut Oil

To get full bold eyebrows you can use coconut oil. It helps speed up the process of hair growth and promotes growth of thick hair. Apply it directly to your brows and leave it overnight.

2. Vaseline

Vaseline, or petroleum jelly, is effective for making your eyebrows bold and thick. It conditions and moisturizes them so well that your eyebrow hair remains straight and firm. Apply a small portion to your eyebrows 3-4 times a day and you will see positive results within 3 months.

3. Massage

Massaging your brows is a great way to improve eyebrow growth. Massage the area around your eyebrows with olive oil for 5 minutes daily. This will increase blood circulation to that area and you will soon see positive results.

4. Vitamins B & D

This is important as it affects your internal organs and your physical appearance. Eat foods rich in vitamins B and D to improve hair growth. It will help increase strong eyelashes and eyebrows that will be able to combat the harmful effects of chemical-based products like mascara and eyeliner.

5. Drink Water

Water is good for your overall health. It helps remove all the toxic substance from your body through your urine. Start drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. This will enhance your body system and improve hair growth.

AVOID: Avoid lotions and over-plucking

When we apply cream or lotion to our face we often apply it to our eyebrows while covering the face. This should not be done, proper care should be taken to avoid use of cream/lotion on your eyebrows as the chemicals can harm your eyebrow’s hair follicles and stop growth. You can remove the cream with a cotton ball but its better to avoid that area.

I hope you guys got some tips on how to grow out your eyebrows! what's your favorite eyebrow products!? I wanna know. Xx

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