Things That Make Me Go Mmm - and Think ...


Things That Make Me Go Mmm - and Think ...
Things That Make Me Go Mmm - and Think ...

Funny-man Steve Carell makes me go Mmm.

Single moms - like the wise and feisty one I like a lot at - make me think:

What's it like to be a single mom, or a single dad?

As a person who has never had children of her own, I can only beginto imagine the trials and tribulations of single parenthood...

...and that special love, like no other.

My genuine respect and admiration for single moms notwithstanding, I wasn't sure how to react when Ms. Have the T-Shirt named me for the Thinking Blogger meme that's been going around the blogosphere.

The idea, you see, is to name five bloggers who make you think.

So I really thought about it. For two weeks, in fact.

And now - drum roll please - here are my five choices of blogs/bloggers that make me think.

Part-Time Buddha
I knew I would like the way this blogger thinks when I read the following in his Ideas I Try to Live By section:

"**One of these dayswomen will once again rule the earth. I really hope I'm around forthat, and live my life in such a way that they'll know I don't need tobe castrated or sent to the desert island with the rest of the men."**

Part-Time Buddha. He's kind of Zen, he's kind of profane, and he's got me wondering...about the perfect comment to leave on his blog.

Our Bodies Our Blog
This blog is described as "your dailydose of women's health news and analysis." Christine's posts make methink that we need to be more pro-active about our bodies - and aboutthe legislation that affects our bodies.

Warning: If you're put off by the F-word (i.e., "feminism"), the OurBodies blog might not be for you, so skip to my next choice.

Unless, of course, you're offended by the word, "slut."

Book Slut
Jessa not only writes book reviews that are actually interesting; she also delivers interviews, features, commentary, and news.

While I wouldn't go so far as to claim that people who enjoy reading books are sexier than people who don't - this blog encourages me to secretly think it.

If you'd rather look at pictures, though, skip to my next choice.

Good pictures make me think - and go Mmm. No wonder I had a hard time choosing just one of my favorite photog-blogs to put on this list.

Because I live in suburbia, behind The Orange Curtain, and Todd Gross' amazing urban photos make me want to visit NYC soon (maybe in September 2007, LisaB?), his photog-blog, Quarlo, makes my list.

Big Fat Blog
Whatever body type you have, BFB is an interesting, informative blog about, well, being fat/overweight/obese in a thin-obsessed world.

This blog keeps me thinking about the obesity that runs in my family.

While you're visiting, don't miss the "Fat Rant" YouTube video posted there.

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