Bara känslolös 😶 kvinnor förstå 🙌🏼 dessa 17 saker ✍🏼...


There are women out there that just aren't emotional. No, we aren't heartless, we aren't robots, we just harness our emotions and keep them in a box sometimes. I'm that way and I know that it's hard for me to become emotional, especially in my marriage. If you are an unemotional woman, it's okay! Take a look below and see if you relate!

1 Comforting People? You Try...

2 du har en hel del anklagats för att vara en Robot

3 ibland, folk säger du är socialt tafatt

4 du gör få flyttat av filmer, men du inte gråta ofta

5 försök med barn

6 You Struggle with Relationships Because They Don't Understand Your Lack of Emotions

7 du vänner kommer till dig när de behöver för att lugna ner

8 It's Hard for You to Trust

9 You Don't Show That You Care a Lot

10 ...but You do, Deep down

11 Sometimes, People Believe You Are Ungrateful

12 … but You Aren't, in Fact, You Are Very Grateful for Everyone in Your Life

13 When You Find Someone That Lits Your World on Fire?

14 The Emotional Wall Breaks down Completely

15 But It's Hell for You to Go through That

16 … so You Stay Guarded until Someone is Willing to Be Patient

17 All Interactions Stay Surface-level, No Deeper until Someone Breaks through
