Ways to Choose the Best Gift Ever ...

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Make a List of Everything They Are Interested in

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Look into the past

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Take a Tour around Your Friend's House for What They Need

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Stalk a Bit

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Personalize the Gift

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Think about an inside Joke between You and Your Friend

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Think about Places You've Gone Together

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Base the Gift on Their Personality

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Think outside of the Box

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Consider Hand-making a Gift

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Choose an Experience over Material Goods

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Etsy is a Godsend if You Aren't Crafty

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Look for Sales to Make Your Wallet Happy

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Don't Go with Something Obvious

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Watch What They Spend Their Money on

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Listen to Them

https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiTnh2PC1qEjDQUrC/giphy.gif People mention the things they like and want all the time. You just have to listen closely – and remember what you hear, of course.

https://media.giphy.com/media/xTiTnh2PC1qEjDQUrC/giphy.gif People mention the things they like and want all the time. You just have to listen closely – and remember what you hear, of course.
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Donate to a Charity if They Are into That

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