7 Tips for Making Your Thick Hair Hold Its Curls ...

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Keep It Clean (or Dirty)

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Go for Moisture and Protein

3 / 7

Try an Old Fashioned Method

4 / 7

Pull out Your Socks

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The Product Project

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Change Your Tools

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Clip It

Whatever method you employ, especially insofar as heat tools, if you clip the ends of each completed curl, you can help your curls stick. Using a bobby pin or a long clip, hold the ends of your curls in place after you finish with each piece. That way you don't risk losing your waves or spirals as you finish the job. Hopefully you'll have as much like with these as I have so far, at least with the ones I've tried. The price you have to pay for curly locks, right? Every time the Better Half complains about her cute curls, I want to snip them and keep them for myself. If these methods don't work for you, or you've had luck with something else, please share! How do you keep the curls from falling out of your thick hair? Sources: wikihow.com, newbeauty.com, instructables.com
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