7 Things Your Fingernails Can Tell You about Your Health ...

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Nail Pitting Can Indicate an Autoimmune Condition

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Clubbed Nails Can Indicate Lung or Heart Problems

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Spoon Nails Are Never Something to Ignore

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White Nails Can Definitely Be an Issue

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Indentations on Your Nails Might Be Due to Diabetes or Fever

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Loose Nails Are Nothing to Mess around with

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Yellow Nails Are Usually Due to Breathing Problems

When you have a breathing issue, such as bronchitis or another respiratory disease, it messes with your blood flow. That reduced blood flow can often lead to a yellow discoloration on your nails. Again, treating the underlying condition can often help get rid of the problem. Do you have any of these nail troubles? What do you do about them? mayoclinic.org
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