The Best πŸ™ŒπŸΌ Money Tips πŸ’Έ That Will Carry You through Life 🌎 ...

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Understand Your Spending Habits

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Create an Emergency Fund

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Don't Run up Credit Card Debt

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Monitor Your Credit Score

There are numerous ways in which you can obtain your credit score for free or for a tiny amount of money and monitoring it can make all the difference to your life, especially if you were planning to sign a new apartment lease, apply for a car or home loan. Your credit score would be the one factor that decides whether or not you get the keys to that dream apartment/home or go away empty handed. Look at your credit card statement, it may show your credit score. If not, you can see it for free on Paying all your monthly outgoings in full and on time builds up your credit score, but you also need to pay attention to utilization, which means the percentage of your credit line you're using per annum. The smaller the percentage, the better for your credit score.
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Get to Grips with Your Student Loans

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Exploit All Your Benefits

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Don't Be Scared of Investing

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