7 Important Financial Pieces of Advice for Women in Their 20's ...

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Save for a Bad Hair Day

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Discounts Are Cool, but Savings Are Cooler

Many of us think buying discounted stuff helps save money. Well, that's not entirely true. Brands lure us into buying things that we don't need by offering discounts and trick us into believing that we are saving money by spending more money. The best way to build your savings is by budgeting and cutting corners on major expenses such as buying food or drinks from restaurants and cafes, impulse shopping on credit cards, paying a hefty sum for car insurance, etc.
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Plan Your Retirement before Age Catches up with You

Age is just a number, right? Maybe not. While we agree that women can do a lot of things irrespective of their age, there is no denying that we all grow old, and our bodies become weak. Until you have found the elixir of youth, the age will catch up! But the more important question is, 'do you want to be working to pay the bills till the last day of your life'? If your answer to that question is no, then you need to plan your retirement immediately. Women who start saving and investing for retirement in their 20's have a good chance of accumulating more money and even retire early.
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Don't Ignore Life Insurance Cos YOLO

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Beware of the Credit Card Trap

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Don't Let Peer Pressure Affect Your Finances

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Maintain Financial Transparency in Your Relationship

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