How to Deal πŸ™πŸΌ when Your Partner πŸ’‘ is Moody 😑 ...

1 / 10

Don't Take It Personally

2 / 10

Do Take a Breather

3 / 10

Don't Get Sucked in

4 / 10

Do Make an Effort to Understand

5 / 10

Don't Lose Your Patience (or Perspective!)

If your partner's mood has been driving you crazy, you might be tempted to have a meltdown of your own and ask them to "snap out of it!" Chances are, they aren't enjoying their crankiness either and, if it was that simple, they would have done it by now.We all have moments like this so you might find it helpful to maintain a healthy amount of perspective. When you feel like you're at your wit's end, tell yourself "this too shall pass" and that tomorrow will be a new day.Pro tip: Think of how it feels to be having a bad day and treat your partner in the same ways that you would want to be treated.

6 / 10

Do Be Honest about the Negativity

7 / 10

Don't Play the Blame Game

8 / 10

Do Pay Attention to Triggers

9 / 10

Do Consider Counseling if Things Get Bad

10 / 10

Put Love First

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