Fool-Proof 👏🏼 Home Remedies ⚗ for Water Retention 💦 ...

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Research shows that dandelions have a diuretic effect. It also contains potassium, which helps balance your sodium levels, something that can reduce bloating. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon dried dandelion 1 cup hot water Directions: Soak the dandelion in the water for 10 minutes. Strain, then drink. Source:
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Garlic is another diuretic and can be used in multiple ways. Cooking with it is one, but you can try others too. Ingredients: 2 to 3 cloves fresh garlic Directions: Remove the skin from the garlic and discard. Chew the cloves very well before swallowing. Source:
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This herb is full of nutrients, but it also helps prevent your body from absorbing too much potassium and sodium, which allows excess water to leave your body. Ingredients: Handful fresh parsley Boiling water Directions: Place the parsley in the boiling water, turn off the heat, and allow it to steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain and drink up to 5 times per day. Source:
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Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is great for water retention because it helps extra fluids from your body. Lemons are affordable and easy to find so you can try this treatment anytime. Ingredients: 2 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup warm water Directions: Combine the honey and water and drink once a day. Source:
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Fennel Seeds

Studies show that fennel seeds help flush excess water from your body and helps increase the sodium output from your kidneys. It's also a natural diuretic so it should help you battle water retention anytime it's needed. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon fennel seeds 1 cup hot water Directions: Place the fennel seeds in the water and allow it to steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink the mixture up to three times per day. Source:
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Barley is commonly used in Europe as a natural way to combat water retention. It's safe to use during pregnancy and can help alleviate the swelling associated with water retention. Ingredients: 1/4 cup washed and unpeeled barley 2 to 4 tablespoons lemon or orange juice Directions: Boil the barley for 15 to 25 minutes. Strain the mixture and then add the juice to the water. Stir and drink. Source:
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You've probably heard that cranberry is great for a UTI, but research also shows that it can help regulate your body's fluid levels by controlling potassium and sodium levels. Ingredients: 1 cup pure, unsweetened cranberry juice Directions: Drink the juice once per day until you notice results. Source:
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Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a pretty handy thing to have on hand if you prefer natural remedies for your health. It will help fight off water retention and is super easy to use. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar 1 cup water Directions: Combine the vinegar and water and drink twice a day. Gradually add more vinegar every couple of days until you have about 2 tablespoons in your water. Source: Do you suffer from water retention? Do you think you'll try any of these home remedies?
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