These blueberry cheesecake waffles are really the best I've ever tried. The blueberries are deliciously sweet, the lemon juice adds a tiny bit of tartness, the cream cheese smooths out the dish with it's creaminess, and the waffle ads heartiness to every bite. ...Source
These dark chocolate waffles are serious, not see-me-after-class serious, but are-you-really-trying to-have-this-for-breakfast serious. The answer is yes. ...Source
Mini Doughnuts made in your waffle iron, then dipped in cinnamon sugar. Perfect for the holidays! | The Kitchen Magpie #Christmas #recipes #DoughnutsSource
Appliances Reviewed is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.“crunchy on the outside, soft and fluffy from the inside” Have you ever thought about eating chocolate brownies for breakfast? ...Source
Please tell me I’m not the only one that dreams about food. I wish I could blame it on the blog, but I have pretty much always been this way. I probably should take a notebook to bed, cause I can get pretty creative when ...Source