We love Mexican food. A friend sent me this recipe some time ago and told me that her family loved it. I tried it and can say that we love it also. It's not hard at all to prepare and isn't too spicy. I sent ...Source
I love slaw. I make slaw most of the time with mayonnaise but when I make the marinated slaw it never disappoints. It's great if you are going to have it at a picnic because it won't spoil like one with mayonnaise. Another advantage is ...Source
Spaghetti is one of my most favorite dishes. I realize that most people have their own recipe and even restaurants vary in the way they prepare it. After several requests for my recipe for Spaghetti sauce, I wanted to share how I make it. I ...Source
If you look for a recipe for Goulash you will find many and none are the same. I have made it different ways, but this one is our favorite. Maybe it's because I think of it as "old timey goulash". It has very simple ingredients ...Source
My husband is completely happy with dried beans, fried potatoes, and cornbread. He likes dried butterbeans, northern beans, and pinto beans. My favorite is pinto beans. I used to cook them on my stove for a long time and worry about having to add water ...Source
I have recipes in the back of my head that I forget about until reminded. This week someone asked me for a Pea Salad recipe. I hadn't made one in years but wanted to share this easy recipe with all of you. This is one ...Source
I have a request for a meatloaf recipe quite often. I made this last year but with so many new followers I wanted to show my recipe again. I will say that when I cook this most people want my recipe. You can make it ...Source
Have you ever had fried cabbage? I bet you ate it with cornbread. I also add some pepper sauce and make some fried potatoes to go with mine. Don't forget a slice of onion. You can't get much more country than that. That's some good ...Source
This isn't your regular Banana Pudding but it's one that is easy to make and tasty too. I got this recipe from the internet a while back. I wanted to share it in time for you to get the ingredients if you might want an ...Source
This recipe takes me back to when I was a child. The smell, while it cooks, is heavenly. I believe this tastes just like the one I remember my mother making. We did have Apple Crisp when I was in school but I believe it ...Source
CROCKPOT DR. PEPPER POT ROAST This roast is absolutely delicious and so easy to prepare. You can put it in the crockpot when you get up in the morning and it will be ready for supper, or put it on when you start to bed ...Source
It has been a while since I have cooked because of me taking chemo. I just haven't been able to stand the smell of food. However, I am feeling much better and wanted to cook something for you before I take another treatment next week. ...Source
I have a request for a meatloaf recipe quite often. I made this last year but with so many new followers I wanted to show my recipe again. I will say that when I cook this most people want my recipe. You can make it ...Source
7 LAYER SALAD is one that can be made in many different ways. However, they all begin with lettuce. You can add any of your favorite vegetables as you go. Our daughter, Amy, always requests this as part of her birthday dinner. I've been making ...Source
We love potatoes at our house. Fried potatoes, baked potatoes, creamed potatoes, scalloped potatoes....any potato. My husband is happy any time he sees me frying potatoes. Sometimes I slice them but most of the time I cube them. I find that cubed ones get browner ...Source
If you are looking for a quick dish for dinner you are at the right place. This literally takes 5 minutes to put together and 25 minutes to cook. It's delicious and I believe everyone in your family would like it. You can add a ...Source
One of my sweet followers, Shirley Pelkey, shared a simple recipe for Potato Soup. This recipe caught my attention with only 3 ingredients. I knew that I was going to try it and found it to be delicious and SO SIMPLE. For those who wouldn't ...Source
This cucumber salad is sometimes called marinated vegetables. It really doesn't matter what you call it because it is so good. It's especially good in the summer when you have these vegetables fresh from the garden. It keeps in the refrigerator for a few days ...Source
I've had several people ask how I cook my green beans. The last person asked how I cook fresh green beans. I didn't have any fresh ones right now to show. This has been the worst year ever for my garden. We have had so ...Source
A sweet friend of mine who was from Texas, Karen Flores, made the most delicious Mexican food. She moved back to Texas but shared her recipe for Mexican rice before she left. Harold thinks her Mexican rice is better than any he has ever had. ...Source
Happy Memorial Day! While looking for a "patriotic looking" dessert I came across this recipe from 'Jamie Cooks It Up' and knew that it would be easy and perfect for our Memorial Day dessert. I sure didn't want to stay in the kitchen preparing something ...Source
Homemade Pimento Cheese is an easy dish to make and it is so much better than store bought. It makes great sandwiches and is so good to eat as a snack with crackers. This recipe is one of the easiest and we love it. You ...Source
Who needs a delicious AND easy cake recipe? I know there are times when I would like to whip up something sweet and don't want to spend much time. This recipe is the one I go to. I am sharing a lemon recipe but the ...Source
This recipe for Chicken Spaghetti is a favorite at my house. It's one that you could add ingredients of your choice if you would like it to be spicy, but this is just right for us. In the video, I made this to freeze for ...Source
This recipe from Whaley Pecans is one that will be used over and over. It is so easy to make and tastes like pecan pie bars. I want to encourage you to go to www.whaleypecan.com and look at the choices of pecans. I have one ...Source
Pecan pie is definitely a southern dessert. Pecan Cobbler takes the yumminess to an even higher level. The cobbler and sauce are created in one pan. Many people question pouring the hot water over the top but after eating the warm cobbler find that the ...Source
I receive recipes and some cookbooks at various times from my followers and enjoy looking through them. I found this recipe in one of the cookbooks and knew that I would try it because we love all ingredients. It was very easy to put together ...Source
Another wonderful recipe for summer days is this Strawberry Pecan Congealed Salad. It has only a few ingredients and it's wonderful to eat for a snack. If you would like a variation of this just change to Lime Jello. I know you would like both. ...Source
If you are looking for a quick dish for dinner you are at the right place. This literally takes 5 minutes to put together and 25 minutes to cook. It's delicious and I believe everyone in your family would like it. You can add a ...Source
I've made this cake many times over the years but really forgot about it. I thought about it today when I wanted to fix a quick and easy dessert. It's called a Punch Bowl Cake because you can make one in a punch bowl or ...Source
Homemade Pimento Cheese is an easy dish to make and it is so much better than store bought. It makes great sandwiches and is so good to eat as a snack with crackers. This recipe is one of the easiest and we love it. You ...Source
It's been a cold week here in Alabama so I knew that soup would be on my menu. A few weeks ago I found a recipe from Alex Drummon (The Pioneer Woman's daughter). She said that she had found the perfect Crockpot Tortilla Soup. I ...Source
If you live in the south you probably have heard of having Blackeyed Peas and Greens for New Year. They say that eating peas will bring you good luck and the greens will bring you money. I am not superstitious but I like the tradition ...Source
I made this Pear Salad several months back but have had several followers request it again. It's so simple but very delicious. I use a small can of pears because it's perfect for us. If you are having guests you would probably want to use ...Source
Who doesn't love a good pound cake? I shared a recipe a while back where I made a Pound Cake from scratch. A sweet friend, Tanya Kines, shared this recipe with me and said she thought I would like it because it's easy and delicious. ...Source
I've made banana pudding several different ways, including the cooked-custard kind that my mom used to make. But this recipe is so good, quick, and easy! ...Source
I make coleslaw several different ways and we love them all. This recipe is a little different because it has pineapple in it. We love it and can just eat it with crackers. It's perfect for springtime, but I serve it all year. I hope ...Source
I got this recipe from Carolyn Drinkard. She is the lady that did the article about me for the Cooperative Farming Magazine. She's so nice and I've enjoyed getting to know her. Because I'm having a hard time cooking food right now, I decided that ...Source
Harold and I were both raised in the south. Most of the time our meat was fried. I still prefer fried pork chops but made some today that were baked. They taste good and don't take long to prepare. It's another way to prepare pork ...Source
My Aunt Mamie knew this recipe was my favorite and would make it for me often. I included the recipe in my Volume 1 cookbook. They are so good! If you want to watch the videos I did a couple of years ago on Facebook, ...Source
For my birthday, Harold decided to make me a delicious LEMON BERRY TRIFLE. I love anything lemon! I'm not sure which was more enjoyable, getting to eat this dessert or watching Harold cook in the kitchen. This recipe can be found in my Volume 2 ...Source
This recipe can be found on page 30 in my Volume 1 cookbook. It is perfect for those busy nights. You can even put this in the freezer and bake it another time. ...Source
This easy Crockpot Taco Soup is delicious and it freezes well! Harold and I just love it on a chilly day! The recipe is in my Volume One cookbook. Let me know if you give it a try! ...Source
An easy recipe, from my Volume 1 cookbook page 24, that you are sure to enjoy. It's simple and quick to put together. We eat it just like this, but you can always add some chicken if you like. It's very versatile. ...Source
This recipe is very easy and great for a quick meal. If you have been working or away from home all day, you must try this baked chicken and rice dish. It all cooks together in one pan so it makes the clean-up process easy. ...Source
We have always loved Shoney's Strawberry pie but with the nearest restaurant being over 40 minutes away, this copycat recipe is a wonderful substitution. It's strawberry season now so I hope you'll try it. ...Source
This salad is perfect for any time but is especially great for spring and Easter. If you use the pastel-colored miniature marshmallows it is perfect for springtime. It makes a big bowl so you could serve it at family dinners. I believe you will love ...Source
It's strawberry season right now and what better way to celebrate than with a quick and easy strawberry cobbler. This is how I make all of my cobblers; you can't go wrong. Harold and I like it with some vanilla ice cream on the top. ...Source
This recipe might be the easiest dinner to prepare and it is so good. You can add any vegetable to it that you might like. There are no dishes to clean up because it is all cooked in aluminum foil. If you are having more ...Source
This simple recipe is very tasty. It's one that you can add other ingredients that you might like. Serve it with a green salad and bread and your meal is ready. Let me know if you try it and like it. You can find this ...Source
This recipe is from my dear friend, Miss Annie. Her Aunt Lannette gave her the recipe and it is in her cookbook. You can find where to order by going here: Cookbook — Miss Annie's Home + Kitchen (missannieshomeandkitchen.com). It is such an easy and ...Source
Potatoes are a staple at my house. There are so many ways to prepare them and we like them all. I had roast and gravy today so I knew mashed potatoes would be great. I know most of you will think that I should put ...Source
This recipe is the easiest one ever. It's very similar to a dump cake that many of us makes. I wanted to show you a different way and if you need something easy you will definitely want to try it. If you add a scoop ...Source
I love Paula Deen's food. I went to her restaurant in Savannah once to eat and the food was so delicious. I pulled out one of her recipes to make this dish. It is so simple and delicious. My son-in-law told me two times how ...Source
Have you ever noticed that most grocery stores have Cubed Pork? It is found by boneless pork chops. You fry it just like you would cubed steak. I buy it occasionally because it tends to be more tender. It doesn't take very long to cook ...Source
One of my followers sent me a recipe and said it would be a good one for my husband to cook while I am unable. She said it was super easy and very tasty. I knew that it would be a good one for him ...Source
As cooler weather starts, I always start to think of soup. This black-eyed pea soup is easy to make and I usually have the ingredients already in my kitchen. For busy days, having dinner on the table in less than 30 minutes is always a ...Source
Have you ever been invited to a party and told to just bring an appetizer? I know that I have and wanted something different than the usual. The sweet lady who wrote the article that appeared in Cooperative Farming News Magazine, Carolyn Drinkard, sent me ...Source
Harold and I love this simple one-pot meal from my Volume 1 cookbook. It's easy to make and it doesn't take long to cook. It's delicious with some homemade cornbread. ...Source
I love pecans, especially Whaley Pecans, so this quick dessert recipe is perfect for when I want a simple snack to munch on. It really doesn't take any time at all to mix it all together and put it in the oven. I think they ...Source
I wasn't sure that I would use an air fryer, but I'm glad that I finally bought one. A couple of weeks ago I showed you how to make a wonderful dessert (Cherry Cheesecake Egg Rolls) in an air fryer. Today I just made simple ...Source
Harold and I like to watch football on the weekends. Of course, some would say the best part of cheering on your favorite team is the food! I tend to agree. Take this delicious sausage queso. It's just perfect to snack on while watching the ...Source
I LOVE fried green tomatoes. I've always fixed mine with just cornmeal, salt, & pepper but a sweet friend said she battered hers with Zatarains Crispy Southern Fish Fry. I tried it and it is a game-changer. I'll use this from now on. Our local ...Source
I LOVE fried green tomatoes. I've always fixed mine with just cornmeal, salt, & pepper but a sweet friend said she battered hers with Zatarains Crispy Southern Fish Fry. I tried it and it is a game-changer. I'll use this from now on. Our local ...Source
We love vegetable soup. We like it with meat or without. I made this without any meat. If you watch the video on YouTube or Facebook you will see that I used vegetables that I had frozen in a bowl. Get a bowl with a ...Source
I got this No-Bake Butterfinger Pie recipe from my associate pastor's wife. It is easy and delicious! You can double the recipe and have one for yourself and one to give away! ...Source
This recipe for easy cheeseburger sliders is a fun and different twist on regular hamburgers. I think they would be perfect to have while watching football this Fall. They are good with just ketchup or you can add as many toppings as you would like. ...Source
There's a simple recipe that Harold and I love. We eat it with our meals and also for a snack. I had apples today that I wanted to use and it only took a few minutes to put together. The wonderful thing about this recipe ...Source
Today I'm sharing a quick and easy lunch recipe that you probably have had many times. I just love Tuna Salad. You can serve it on a sandwich or with crackers. In this video, I put it in a tomato! ...Source
My daughter, Amy, and I are getting ready for her son's graduation party. We are thinking about making this SPINACH DIP for the party. We all love it and it is so easy to put together. The hardest part is making sure you get the ...Source
My friend Louise gave me this recipe and I couldn't wait to try it. It's quick and easy which is a plus when you don't want to be in the kitchen for too long. I added some lettuce and other toppings but you don't have ...Source
I was busy most of the day and really just too tired to cook anything grand for dinner. I'm sure you know the feeling. I found this recipe and decided to try it. It was easy and simple and right up my alley. We enjoyed ...Source
These cookies are so easy, but they are so good! I used a white cake mix because that is what I had, but you can use any flavor you want. This video was filmed right after I started my Facebook page. A lot has changed ...Source
Oh my goodness! This fudge recipe is so good. I was looking for a copycat recipe from Whaley Pecan Company's Butter Pecan Fudge and I found this delicious dessert. It only takes about 15 minutes to cook on the stove eye, which is a plus. ...Source
This chicken is so good. It cooks in the crockpot so you can fix it and forget about it. The recipe, which is found on page 28 of my Volume 2 cookbook, is very versatile. In today's video, I put it over some Hawaiian rolls, ...Source
If you need a quick dinner idea for a busy day, this Beef Stroganoff is very easy. Harold and I love it! You can find the recipe in my Volume 1 cookbook on page 25. I hope you'll try it. ...Source
When you are in the mood for pizza, you must try these mini deep dish pizzas. The recipe uses pre-made pizza dough so dinner can be ready in no time. They are really good! I know my grandkids will love them! ...Source
Payday candy bars are my favorite treat these days, so when I saw this recipe, I knew I had to make them. I decided to change it a little and make these in the microwave. It's hot in Alabama and you don't want to turn ...Source
Simple doesn't even begin to describe how easy these peanut butter cookies are to make! With just 3 ingredients, you can throw this recipe together in no time. They are so good too! ...Source
This pecan brittle recipe is so easy! You must try it. Everything is cooked in the microwave so you don't even have to turn on your oven. With just a few ingredients, you can be enjoying this delicious dessert! ...Source
If you love sweet, tender carrots as I do, then you are going to love this recipe. It's very similar to the carrots that you can order from Cracker Barrel. ...Source
I love anything with pecans and pecan pie is one of my favorites. If you are like me and love pecan pie, you are going to love this recipe. It's simple and easy to put together. I think this recipe would be good for breakfast ...Source
Simple doesn't even begin to describe how easy these peanut butter cookies are to make! With just 3 ingredients, you can throw this recipe together in no time. They are so good too! ...Source
If you need to put together dinner in a jiffy, then this recipe is one you need to try. If you want to add a green salad to this recipe, you can. We like it with cornbread too. It's an easy one-pot meal in under ...Source
A friend from church gave me this recipe several years ago. It is still my go-to recipe for making Pimento Cheese. It's quick and easy and so good! We even eat it for a snack sometimes. I hope you'll try it! This recipe can be ...Source
I love simple and easy meals and I know you do too. There is nothing easier than throwing a few ingredients straight into your slow cooker and pushing start. This recipe can be found in my new Volume 2 cookbook on page 21. ...Source
If you are looking for a quick side dish for Easter, you need to try this Marinated Asparagus. It's a dish that you serve cold so it is perfect if you are traveling for the holidays. Please subscribe to my YouTube page. ...Source
This is a casserole that you will want to put on a rotation for meals. Kids love it too. This really makes a big dish and when you add sour cream, pico, and guacamole it takes it up to another level. We like it with ...Source
This recipe takes me back to my elementary school days when we had delicious desserts. One was a Peanut Butter Bar with frosting. It's not exactly the way I remember them, but it is pretty close. Harold said he even likes these without the frosting ...Source
This recipe was given to me years ago by a former pastor's wife. Sister Carmichael was a wonderful cook and these muffins were a favorite of mine. When I make them I can just eat them by themselves but they are really good with soup ...Source
This recipe will be in my Volume 2 Cookbook that should be here very soon. It's one that was my nephew's favorite. He would always request this pie instead of cake for his birthday. It's easy and so delicious. You can add other toppings if ...Source
I have made Apple Dumplings frequently but had not made Strawberry Dumplings. I found this recipe and although it is very similar it is different enough to have a slightly different taste. Both are keepers for sure. Serve this with a scoop of vanilla ice ...Source
I'm sure most of you have had tea cakes that your grandmother made. I think I can smell them cooking if I think hard enough. Tea cakes were made often because most people had flour, sugar, eggs, and butter. I did use melted butter but ...Source
This recipe is one that you would find in your grandmother's home. It is a simple pie with ingredients that most would have. I have this recipe in my Volume One cookbook. This pie will bring back memories to some of you. Hope you will ...Source
I love Mexican food. It doesn't matter if it is tacos, enchiladas, or just chips and good salsa. We eat Mexican pretty often. Today I made Chicken Enchiladas and we both loved them. The recipe allows you to add whatever you would like. I would ...Source
One of my followers wanted to know if I had a recipe for a Fruit Cocktail Cake. She said her mother used to make one and she didn't have her recipe. This brought back memories of a cake that my mother made many years ago. ...Source
If I told you that this may be the easiest dessert I've ever made you might not believe me. From the looks of it, you would think I spent a lot of time and lots of ingredients in order to get this delicious delicacy. My ...Source
We shared lots of laughter yesterday as we made Miss Annie's CARAMEL CORN from her new cookbook. It's easy so you know I liked it, but it tasted so good too! I hope you will try it! Harold even was able to grab a piece ...Source
I was hesitant when I first heard about this recipe, but let me tell you, they are so good. These meat pies are simple to make and are good hot for dinner or even cold the next morning. I hope you will try them. The ...Source
I'm one who thinks you can eat soup year-round. I know it's especially good when the weather is cold, but we love it any time it's available. I've had this recipe for many years and really don't know where I got it. I just know ...Source