A lovely portable breakfast, also good for brunch or lunch boxes. Serve these Fast 800 frittata muffins warm or cold with a generous salad or freshly cooked greens. ...Source
We like cooking these Fast 800 satay chicken skewers on a ridged griddle, but you can also cook them on the barbecue or under the grill. They’re delicious hot or cold and make a great portable meal. Serve with a mixed salad ...Source
These Fast 800 lamb chops make a quick, easy and wonderfully satisfying supper. Serve with a leafy salad or wilted spinach (which tastes even better with a teaspoon of olive oil or butter – add 40 cals). ...Source
Canned lentils are versatile, cheap and convenient. Cooked up with fresh veg and pesto, they make a brilliant quick meal that’s packed with fibre and contains a good protein hit. Serve your pesto lentils with a mixed salad. ...Source
This juicy, herb-infused Fast 800 roast chicken is perfect served with a large green or coloured leaf salad, dressed with our simple salad dressing, or a generous serving of freshly cooked vegetables. It works brilliantly on the barbecue, too. ...Source