Feeling homesick and craving for Malaysian clay pot chicken rice? You can make this dish easily with my recipe using a rice cooker, no clay pot required. ...Source
Here are a few tips on how to cook in natural clay cookware in case this is something you want to try in your own kitchen. You will love clay pot cooking! ...Source
I love clay pot cooking as it creates a very tender, succulent, bird. try this lemon herb chicken recipe in a clay pot for a delicious and hearty dinner meal. ...Source
Cold winter weekends are the perfect excuse to cozy up inside with a baking project. This one will make your kitchen smell like heaven: a country-style loaf of bread baked… ...Source
Original and Authentic German Recipes. Find traditional and classic recipes for cakes and cookies, desserts and soups, bread and local food specialties. ...Source
I first made this Vietnamese Clay Pot chicken during my first winter in Beijing in 2008. The temperatures were consistently brutally low (think Northern Vermont in January) and the heating in my rental apartment was way less than adequate. I wanted a hearty meaty dish ...Source
Here’s something you may not know about me…I love clay cookers! They have wonderful texture and color and add a little touch of whimsy to my home. I began collecting them about three years ago and have been adding a few as I go along…especially ...Source
When my parents first moved to Thetis in the late 70’s, after having summered on the island since the early 60’s, they moved into a small trailer while they built their home. They also built small… ...Source
So, nachdem ich mich beim Blitz-Blog Event - Tonbräter Revial mit dem Apfelmus aus dem Ofen reingeschummelt habe, möchte ich jetzt noch einen richtigen Beitrag einreichen. Und dazu möchte ich das Gericht beitragen, an das ich mich aus Kindheitstagen noch erinnern kann - natürlich aus ...Source
Yesterday, I documented in a somewhat disjointed fashion my latest trevails in bread making. I am pleased to report that the No-Knead Bread … ...Source
One loaf of clay pot sausage bread–with added Telegraph Starter Mix and Mold: 2:30 pm Baked 4:45 pm Ate–most of it here at home I’m so glad we didn’t give this bread to anyo… ...Source
Clay pot cooking is an ancient way to prepare one-pot meals. The food is moist, flavorful and needs no added fats or oils. Try this healthy way of cooking. ...Source
I think I've found a new hobby - cooking! I just can't resist trying every recipe in my new Pampered Chef Deep Covered Baker cookbook. Although my husband isn't a fan of chicken pot pies I still wanted to give this recipe a try. Not ...Source
Clay pot cooking seems to be all the rage these days. Earthenware pots are relatively inexpensive and beautiful to look at, as evidenced by the lovely products featured at clay pot specialty shop Bram. There are also reviews all over the web attesting to their ...Source
Dry-Aged Standing Rib Roast with Sage Jus from FoodNetwork.com We did this last year for Christmas. I think I'm going to try and adapt it to our smoker without the clay pot and see the difference. We will for sure dry age the roast again.Source
Beef stew with onion, garlic, potatoes and carrots. It is flavored with a tomato paste sauce and cooked in a clay pot first on the stove top then in the oven. A perfect comfort food. ...Source
This is a German recipe using beer - Beer Goulash - a beef stew which is using some dark beer. Authentic German recipe. The best with German beer. ...Source
One of our favorite kitchen tools to cook with on busy weeknights is our Romertopf clay baker. It’s so easy to use, and food cooked in a clay baker is healthy and flavorful.Clay pot cooking is an old method that can be traced back to ...Source
Heute zum Mittagessen gab es passend zum Oktoberfest einen Bayrischen Klassiker. Einen Krustenbraten in Biersauce, dazu Semmelknödel und Rotkraut. Hier sind die Rezepte: Krustenbraten in Biersauce … ...Source
At Django, a little BYO on 4th Street just north of South, the chef bakes his bread in a flowerpot. The warm pot arrives to the table along with softened butter served in an old-fashioned ...Source
There are many benefts to cooking with clay pots. This ancient cookware keeps tough cuts of beef moist and tender, as well as pork chops, whole chickens and legs of lamb. Clay pots aren’t difficult to season, cook with and care for, and can provide ...Source
As we traveled through Northern Greece heading to a tasting of the wines made in and around Drama I noticed, as I looked longingly for comedy and tragedy masks in the countryside, that instead I fo… ...Source
Nå, men vi kom jo ikke afsted til Food Festival i Aarhus alligevel. En af os (moi!) fik pludselig en hjernenedsmeltning og kunne ikke overskue den lange køretur, de mange mennesker og det ikke at være ...Source
Beef stew with onion, garlic, potatoes and carrots. It is flavored with a tomato paste sauce and cooked in a clay pot first on the stove top then in the oven. A perfect comfort food. ...Source