7 Benefits of Taking the Birth Control Pill ...

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You Probably Won't Get Pregnant

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Your Acne Might Clear up

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Your Period Will Become Regular

https://media.giphy.com/media/12cVssO0PKkBmU/giphy.gif Some virgins are big supporters of the birth control pill, because it does more than prevent pregnancy. It also makes your period regular. So if you've been having a lot of problems during that time of the month, you might want to think about starting the pill, even if you aren't planning on having sex anytime soon.

https://media.giphy.com/media/12cVssO0PKkBmU/giphy.gif Some virgins are big supporters of the birth control pill, because it does more than prevent pregnancy. It also makes your period regular. So if you've been having a lot of problems during that time of the month, you might want to think about starting the pill, even if you aren't planning on having sex anytime soon.
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Your Period Will Become Lighter

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You'll Have Reduced Menstruation Migraines

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You Might Get Bigger Breasts

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You'll Have Less Unwanted Body and Facial Hair

https://media.giphy.com/media/13sUwJPHp6wf16/giphy.gif Most women who take the pill end up with less hair on their body and face. That means that you won't have to deal with all of those pesky chin hairs that pop up. Instead of tweezing them whenever you see them, the pill will get rid of most of them for you. Isn't that great news? Even though there are plenty of benefits of taking the birth control pill, make sure you discuss your options with your doctor. After all, different things work best for different women. And don't forget to continue using condoms, because birth control only prevents you from becoming pregnant, and doesn't do anything to stop the spread of STDs. Are you currently on the birth control pill or do you feel like it's the wrong option for you?

https://media.giphy.com/media/13sUwJPHp6wf16/giphy.gif Most women who take the pill end up with less hair on their body and face. That means that you won't have to deal with all of those pesky chin hairs that pop up. Instead of tweezing them whenever you see them, the pill will get rid of most of them for you. Isn't that great news? Even though there are plenty of benefits of taking the birth control pill, make sure you discuss your options with your doctor. After all, different things work best for different women. And don't forget to continue using condoms, because birth control only prevents you from becoming pregnant, and doesn't do anything to stop the spread of STDs. Are you currently on the birth control pill or do you feel like it's the wrong option for you?
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