A Girl's Guide to Surviving an Emotionally Abusive Relationship ...

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Admit That It's Abuse

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Understand That It is Never about You

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Set Boundaries for Your Conversations

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Consider Counseling

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Cut out Negative Self-talk

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Surround Yourself with Support

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Understand That You Have Power, Too

Abuse is all about power. Every type of abuse comes down to a need for power. The thing to remember is that you have power, too, even when you feel like you're at your weakest point. You have the power to tell your partner you won't stand for their behavior. You have the power to fight for yourself. You have the power to walk if you can't fix what's been broken – and there is no shame in that because you are not broken. The person who abuses you is broken. Have you ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship? First of all, I am so sorry. Secondly, if you have stories or resources to share, please do. Sources: breakthecycle.org, yourtango.com
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