12 Ways to Deal with Your Jealousy ...

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Get Therapy

Photo Credit: lasmith Even if it's just talking things over with friends, any form of communication with a neutral source might be helpful. There are plenty of very helpful therapists that don't charge an arm and a leg. If you aren't able to make an appointment with a therapist or are too shy to physically visit one, there are also discussion groups online you can sign up for. They are completely anonymous, so your privacy is maintained. Some of these sites also offer 800 numbers for you to call and talk to an actual person. Sometimes you just need to talk about it, in order to realize how much it has a hold on your life.
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Observe Other Couples

Photo Credit: Marta Potoczek Sometimes it's easier to realize what you're doing wrong when you observe it from a third person view. Look at other couples around you and observe them. I'm sure you've seen men and women both who display some form of jealousy in public. Sometimes it's in the look and sometimes the actual actions and usually, it's over something very trivial. When you are able to observe and understand thesigns of jealousy in others, you will probably recognize it in your own words and actions and do something to alter that.
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Give Him Space

Photo Credit: Lou O' Bedlam Suck it up and let your partner go out with the gang. You don't have to play chaperon all the time. Know that he/she is an adult and need their space sometimes. Jealousy often arises because one partner is scared that the other will cheat on them. If you're in ahealthy relationship, this doesn't need to be a concern. When it does become an issue, I don't think that this would be considered a viable relationship anymore.
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Develop Trust in Your Relationship

Photo Credit: (kerry ball) Dealing with jealousy involves developing a strong sense of trust in your relationship. In order to have a successful relationship, there needs to be trust. You have to trust the other person will make the right choices when you aren't around. If you can't trust the person you are with, then you need to figure out why this is. Usually the other person has to give you a good reason to not trust him/her. Maybe this occurred through past actions or words. Not having anything untrustworthy to recall will mean that you are being jealous for no reason at all.
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Get Your Partner to Show You How You Are Acting

Photo Credit: vwynx If you have your partner demonstrate the way you have treated him/her, when you are displaying jealousy, this will make it easier to understand why it is a frustrating behavior. When the tables are turned, it tends to feel different. This method may work for some people. There are others that this still seems completely normal to and they still don't understand why it is frustrating to be on the receiving end.
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Have Strong Self-esteem

Photo Credit: JennKstep Jealousy can arise from having low self-esteem. Do you feel secure with yourself? Are you afraid that your partner is going to leave you because of qualities you feel you lack? A lot of this is just in your head. If your partner happens to look in the direction of another person of the opposite sex, this doesn't mean that he/she is thinking about leaving you for that person. Remember that there is a reason why you're partner is with you and at the end of the day, no one is perfect and everyone has shortcomings. So concentrate on improving your self confidence.
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Communicate Often

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Don't Compare Everything

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Turn Jealousy into a Positive Emotion

Photo Credit: nikki.jane Become motivated instead of aggravated. If your jealousy stems from the fact that you feel inadequate,there's nothing that says you can't change that. Go for it! Dealing with jealousy over something that you can change is just plain silly. Appearances are easily changed, if that is what you are fretting over. Different clothes can be bought,hair color can be changed, hitting the gymevery now and then will help sculpt your physique. If appearances are really that much of an issue for you, then find a way to create the appearance you want, instead of being jealous of someone who has what you want.
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It's Okay to Ask Questions

Photo Credit: jaeming It's alright to ask questions as long as it doesn't turn into an interrogation. This sort of falls under the category of communication but involves asking more questions as opposed to simply chatting. If you have doubts in your mind, ease them with a few questions. Don't go crazy for every little detail though.
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Don't Assume

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Figure out Why You Are Jealous

Photo Credit: theaspiringphotographer Is it due to something that happened in the past? Maybe abad breakup in the past? Are you scared of what might happen if you aren't overly cautious? Sometimes there is a well known issue from the past that triggers extreme jealousy. If a person had a previous relationship where he/she wascheated on by their partner, this causes doubt in their mind. They automatically think that anyone they engage in a relationship with is going to do the same thing. Learning how to deal with jealousy before it destroys your relationship is the ultimate goal for most people. There are quite a few people who don't realize that they are the jealous type or they are in denial about it. Have you ever observed any signs of jealousy in yourself or your partner? What did you do about it? Top Photo Credit: theaspiringphotographer
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