All Women's Talk

Что вы можете сделать сегодня, что изменит вашу жизнь завтра...

Внесение изменений в вашей жизни как правило постепенного и постоянного процесса. Мы редко достичь внезапной, драматические изменения. Но что делать, если вы нетерпеливы и хотят видеть результаты на ночь? Вот некоторые вещи, которые вы можете сделать сегодня, завтра будет сделать разницу в вашей жизни...

Table of contents:

  1. Clear out the Clutter
  2. быть приятно кого-то
  3. выйти
  4. Stop Wasting Time on the Internet & Social Media
  5. Clear up Straight Away
  6. Be Positive
  7. Move Your Body

1 Clear out the Clutter

Have you got into the habit of using tables as storage areas, or piled up things rather than put them away? Start clearing out some of the visible clutter in your home and on your work desk. Being in a tidier environment allows us to think more clearly and feel more focused. Get rid of your clutter and you'll immediately feel better - and know where things are!

2 быть приятно кого-то

When you're dealing with someone else, being impatient or negative in any way will make them respond the same way. However annoyed you are, try being nice and see if you get a better result. In fact, just try being nice to everyone you meet. It'll brighten everybody's day, and they'll hopefully go on to be positive to other people.

3 выйти

У вас был смысл, чтобы связаться с относительной или старый друг? Не откладывайте его нисколько более длиной. Называют их и принять меры, чтобы встретиться, если вы живете на местном уровне. Вы будете чувствовать себя хорошо, что вы, наконец, получил в контакт, и он может оживить вашу дружбу. Или выйти на тех, кто имеет плохой день и сделать их чувствовать себя что немного лучше.

4 Stop Wasting Time on the Internet & Social Media

Are you a social media addict? Add up how much time you spend on these sites; I guarantee it's a lot longer than you think. Set yourself a limit for how much time you'll spend, and block these sites if you find it hard to resist. You'll immediately free up so much time for other, more worthwhile ways of spending your time.

5 Clear up Straight Away

If you're tired, it's tempting to leave dishes and other chores for another day - but the problem is that they soon pile up. Then you feel even less like dealing with them! However little you feel like it, clear up straight away; you'll feel happier waking up to a clean and tidy house.

6 Be Positive

Try to cultivate the habit of being positive; it's something that you can actually train your mind to do. It'll really make a difference if you can 'look on the bright side' wherever possible; you'll find that it helps gets you into a more upbeat mindset. Decide that you're not going to let things annoy you - this will help you deal with irritations much better.

7 Move Your Body

Do you lead a very sedentary life? Most of us do these days. So get up and move your body - as soon as you've finished reading this! Movement helps stop us getting too stiff, and gets our energy flowing. Stretch, take a short walk, dance round the room - anything that will flex your body. You'll feel the benefits straight away, so make a conscious effort to move every day.

Small changes can make a big difference very quickly, so start the new you today! Resolutions aren't just for the New Year - what would you like to achieve in the next 12 months?

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