65 snelle manieren om gewicht te verliezen die daadwerkelijk werken...


Het verliezen van gewicht moet niet een strijd, vooral als je het juiste doet. Met deze beproefde manieren om gewicht te verliezen snel, zult u die ponden en Toon je lichaam in een kwestie van weken schuur.

Door alleen het toevoegen van 5 activiteiten van het gewichtsverlies zal lijst hieronder aan uw routine geven u een kans om te verliezen zo veel als 10 pond per week. Probeer het en Zie voor jezelf!

Oh, en vergeet niet om de voordat u foto's zodat u trots ze op uw Instagram zodra post kunt u bereiken uw gewichtsverlies doel!

1 niet weet hoe om te koken? Geen probleem - Maak jezelf een Smoothie

The best way to start losing weight is to make your own meals: simple salads and smoothies are easy enough for all of us to master. Replace 2 meals a day with smoothies or just salads - and a week later you'll need to buy new jeans that are 1-2 sizes smaller.
Perfecte niet alleen in de zomer, deze smoothies zijn mijn persoonlijke favoriet:

2 begin uw ochtend met een korte Youtube-training

If the gym just isn't your thing, find the workout you like on youtube.com. There are countless videos to help you lose weight fast and have fun in the process! For those who feel less enthuse about exercise in general, try something short yet effective, like this 5 minute abs workout:

3 Serving Size is King: if It Doesn't Fit in the Palm of Your Hand - It's Too Much!

Did you know a serving of meat or fish should be about the size of a deck of cards? A serving of almost everything else should be small enough to easily fit in the palm of your hand.

4 Neem Selfies op een regelmatige Basis voor het bijhouden van uw vooruitgang

One of the best ways to chart your progress is by taking before and after selfies. For best results, take the pictures in the same place striking the same pose so that you can see clearly the difference in your weight overtime.

5 Word meer actieve door toe te voegen meer Cardio in uw dag

Jogging, bike riding, hiking, swimming - anything that gets you moving is all you need for fast weight loss! If you become more active, you'll lose weight fast and create a lifelong healthier lifestyle, long after your miracle week is over. This 20 minute cardio workout is my personal favorite - sneak it in 2-3 times a week for fastest results:

6 Chew More Thoroughly - It'll Make You Fuller Faster

The longer you chew - the sooner you'll feel full. Our brain needs about 20-30 minutes to realize we've had enough food already, so take your time and chew away!

7 Switch It up

To stay motivated and to continue to see results, vary your workouts from day to day. Switching it up can help you to avoid exercise boredom and stay on track to lose weight fast!

8 Try to Envision Your Weight Loss Success

Picture the way you will look and feel when you've gotten to your ideal weight. Now do this every day until you reach your weight loss goal. May sound weird, but this step is very important, it will help you to achieve weight loss success faster!

9 Bump up Your Fiber Content by Eating 2 Salads a Day Minimum

Did you know that fiber is vital for your weight loss? Your metabolism will sky-rocket if you have at least 2 salads a day, ideally replacing your dinner with a big salad.

10 lopen elke dag ten minste voor een uur

To lose weight fast you need to become more active. The best way is to start walking, at least one hour a day. Instead of using your car or Uber - walk.

11 Get Real and Write down Realistic Time Lines for Each 5 Pounds You Want to Lose

If you have a goal of losing a lot of weight, get real and give it realistic time lines. Do not expect to lose 15 pounds overnight, but rather give it 3 weeks for optimal results, with 5 pounds per week being your goal.

12 Don't Skimp on Protein, You Need 1-2 Serving per Day for Steady Weight Loss

Eggs, meat and fish are all great sources of lean protein. If you're vegetarian, you can get lean protein from quinoa, tofu and beans.

13 You Need Oxygen to Lose Weight - Just Breathe

Did you know that the more oxygen you have circulating through your body, the more you'll boost your metabolism, hence, lose weight quicker? Breath...

14 Lay Low on the Carbs and Always Choose Complex over Simple to Lose Weight

As a marathoner, there are many times in my training when I crave carbs. But training is an isolated period. When I'm not training, I limit carbs to 2 servings a day with preference for complex carbs (oatmeal, whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, couscous) as opposed to simple carbs that are basically empty calories (anything made with white flour, white rice, white pasta etc.).

15 Use a Tape Measure

While on your weight loss journey, especially beyond that first week, use a good old fashioned tape measure for your waist, hips, arms and legs - it's much more accurate than a scale!

16 Get Your ZZZz... to Lose Weight with 7 Hrs of Sleep Minimum

Make sure you get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. But the more - the better - 8-10 would be excellent, too. Lack of sleep can cause your body to secrete cortisol, which is a fat gainer. Sleep is also essential for your muscles to recover from all your work exercising!

17 Easy on the Dressing

Salads are loaded with metabolism-boosting phytonutrients, but don't drown your healthy meal with fatty, sodium-laced dressing. Dress up your salad with nuts, apples, carrots and onions instead!

18 Create a Grocery Store Navigation Plan to Avoid Asile #4

Head to the produce first, then whole grains, lean proteins and then paper products. Avoid the cookies, chip and candy aisle and everything else you usually find in the aisle #4.

19 Don't Be Too Restrictive with What You Eat - Mono Diets do Not Work for Big Weight Loss Goals

Restrictive diets - like only eating cabbage soup for the whole week - may initially work, but the pounds will come back and your metabolism may even slow down if you do not switch to healthier lifestyle afterwards. To lose more weight than 10 pounds, mono diets are not the way to go.

20 No Emotional Eating! Go Shopping Instead

If you tend to crave comfort food when you're stressed or sad, resist! Caving in to the temptation of emotional eating will set you back in your goals. Go shopping or treat yourself to a beauty treatment instead!

21 Eat Small Meals Throughout the Day with 6 Small Meals Total

Have small meals throughout the day rather than three big meals. The small, frequent meals will boost your metabolism and stabilize your blood sugar level, keeping you satisfied and energetic all day long!

22 Turn off the TV when You Eat

When you eat, your focus should be on your food, not on the TV or your phone. We tend to eat more when we're distracted, so get rid of media while you're eating and enjoy the food instead!

23 Start Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast - Oatmeal Would Be the Top Choice

Studies have proven that eating a healthy breakfast helps you lose weight faster. So make sure you start your day the right way with steel cut oats, eggs or any other healthy breakfast. Yum!

24 Have an Apple a Day

Having an apple a day can help you get plenty of fiber, vitamins and pectin, which is a natural fat burner. So an apple a day can help you slim down, drop pounds AND keep the doctor away!

25 Keep a Healthful Snack with You at All Times

Be prepared when hunger strikes by carrying healthy portable snacks like a small baggie of almonds, a banana, homemade granola or any other healthy snack to stave off your cravings.

26 Eat with Fewer People to Consume Less and Lose Weight

Eating with a smaller group of people as opposed to a larger group ensures that you will eat less because you will spend less time at the table.

27 Pre-plan Your Snack Times by Creating a Daily Meal Schedule

Our bodies perform best when we follow a schedule, so have set times that you eat your mini meals and snacks that you follow every day. Example: 8am - breakfast, 10am - fruit snack, 1pm - lunch, 4pm - yogurt snack, 7pm - dinner.

28 Track Your Progress on a Food App to Keep You Engaged Every Day

Get with the innovative times and start tracking your food and fitness with your phone application. This simple step can help you control your food intake and have you dropping pounds on a daily basis to keep you motivated and engaged all the way!

29 Keep the Junk Food out of the House, if It's There, You'll End up Eating It

I know this may seem like a no-brainer, but just a reminder: get rid of all junk food in your house. You can't eat junk food if it's not there, right?

30 List Your Goals + Reasons and Put It on Your Bathroom Mirror

Create a list of your weight loss goals and the reasons why you want to lose weight fast. Look back at this list when you are feeling unmotivated and this will help you to get up and get going.

31 Indulge Every Now and then - Choose 1 Day a Week when You Can Have Healthier Versions of Your Fav Foods

Don't live in the “I can’t” world, where you can’t eat pizza, cookies, brownies or any other of your favorite indulgences. Get in the “I can” world and create healthier versions of your unhealthy treats, where you won't feel deprived and depressed.

32 If You Fall off... Get Back on, This is All a Part of the Process and Happens to Everyone!

You may have a slip up or two with your diet, but if you fall off your healthy eating plan, just get back on and don't look back! A bump in the road won't keep you from meeting your weight loss goal, so keep going!

33 Bring a Friend along when Going for a Dessert

If you decide to indulge and order dessert when you're out, share it with your friend. Sharing is caring, and you'll save calories if you don't wolf the dessert on your own.

34 Be a Weekend Fitness Warrior

Sure, you'd love some down time on the weekends, but why not throw in some fun activities too? A family bike ride, run or tennis match can help you to lose weight and have a lot of fun, minus the sitting-on-the-couch.

35 Slow down Your Eating

Your brain takes 20-30 minutes to receive the signal that you're full, so pace yourself. If you rush through a meal as if it were a sprint, you'll eat more than you need, and that'll definitely slow down your weight loss! You'll find this tip helpful especially in that first 7-pounds-in-7-days week.

36 Stay Focused Away from Food

If you list all your weekly plans, the majority may be made around food, and that is not a good thing. If you focus on activities other than food, you'll find yourself eating mini meals rather than just endlessly grazing!

37 Reward Yourself without Food

You're losing weight and feeling great, so why not reward yourself? And I don't mean with a sundae! Go buy cute new fitness wear instead - it's calorie free and might even motivate you more!

38 Listen to Your Body

If you listen to your body, you can avoid over consuming food or pushing yourself too hard in your workouts.

39 Replace Unhealthy Foods and Drinks

One by one, swap out all the unhealthy foods and introduce new healthier foods to replace them. Swap bland white rice for tasty quinoa, and drink thirst-quenching lemon water instead of bloat-causing soda. Little changes add up to make a big difference!

40 Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

I know it's so much easier said than done, but try not to stress. If you stress, your body secretes cortisol, which can cause you to gain weight... no!

41 Say Goodbye to Soda and Sugary Drinks

If you want to lose weight fast, say goodbye to soda and other sugary drinks. Soda is loaded with nasty chemicals and sugar, which will sabotage your weight loss and health.

42 Start Reading up on Fitness

That's right - practice and study fitness, like you would any other subject you're into!

43 Join a Fit Group

Join a workout class, running club, basketball team, or whatever you think you'll enjoy! Being fit and healthy is fun, especially when you surround yourself with a social group to do this.

44 Don't Confuse Hunger with Thirst

Before heading to the refrigerator for a snack, have a tall glass of water. Since thirst is often confused with hunger, give it a few minutes to see if your hunger goes away after you're hydrated!

45 Get Motivated

Keep a photo on the fridge or at your desk of yourself at your goal weight, or a fit celeb you admire. This can help to keep you motivated and on track to your goals! And let me add: this will work REALLY well after you've knocked off that first 7 pounds!

46 Drink a Glass of Cold Water before Your Meal

Try drinking a glass of cold water before your meal; this will help you to properly digest your food and help prevent you from overeating at meal time.

47 Make a Little Love

Have fun with your sweetie while you get a great cardio workout - half an hour of between-the-sheets fun can burn almost 100 calories!

48 Drink Coffee or Tea

Coffee or herbal tea can help boost your metabolism; just have one cup a day if it's caffeinated, since too much caffeine is an unhealthy stimulant.

49 Fall in Love with an Active Beau

If you fall in love with someone active, you'll notice your motivation for fitness ignited. An active boyfriend can make all the difference - forget dinner and a movie, how about dinner and rock-climbing? You'll be a dynamic and sexy duo!

50 Park Far Away

Start parking farther away when you go to the store, work or any other destination. This small step can help you burn between 50 and 200 extra calories in a day, or a max of about 1,400 calories in that first week!

51 Kiss Away to a Leaner Day

Did you ever think you could lose weight from kissing? Kissing burns 5-6 calories per minute. I know it's not many calories, but add up those minutes in a year and you will see that you burn quite a few calories!

52 Skip the Elevator

A friend of mine lost 15 pounds in a few weeks just by taking the stairs at the office and in her apartment building. Try it and take another step (literally) to achieving weight loss results!

53 Keep Your Head up

No matter where you are in your goals, make this your mantra: I can and I will do this. Nothing will stop me! Keep your head up and keep going!

54 Put Your Body in Motion 365

You should become active every day, even if it's just to walk around the block, take the stairs or get out for a quick jog. Make movement a healthy habit every day!

55 Find a Fitness Mentor

Find someone in your life that inspires you. Ask them how they became so fit and find out more about their diet and lifestyle. If they can do this, why can’t you?

56 Avoid Debbie Downer

If you're trying to be more active and lose weight, it's best to surround yourself with positive influences. If you're around someone that makes you upset, you may spiral into emotional eating, so avoid the negative and accentuate the positive!

57 Hire a Personal Trainer

To speed up your weight loss and learn new healthy life habits, consider hiring a personal trainer. A trainer will hold you accountable to your goals and teach you how to choose the right fitness workouts and food.

58 Reward Yourself for Your Weight Loss Progress

And this is the best part! Set little achievable goals (like losing 2 or 3 pounds, or that magic 7 pounds in 7 days), and when this goal is achieved, feel free to splurge a little and treat yourself, because you earned it. Get a new lip gloss, or some cute trainers.

59 Surround YOURSELF with Positive People

Do you ever hear the saying “birds of a feather flock together?” It's true! So make fitness-minded, positive friends and watch positive things happen to you as a result.

60 Wear Fitted Clothes

As you lose weight and begin to see results, you should invest in fitted clothing, because this will help you to continue to your goal. Going from a size 16 to a size 12 is a big deal!

61 Find a Local Fitness Friend

Find a friend or family member to team up with and push to your full potential! Even if you just meet once a week, you can work together via email and text on off days to keep each other motivated.

62 Invest in a GPS Watch or Fitbit

To stay motivated and go the distance, invest in a GPS watch to track your miles and calories burned. When you have a high weight loss week, you can review your activity and see why you lost. And if you had an off week, you can also look back to inactivity and know the reason.

63 Every Little Bit Adds up

If you're on a time crunch and cannot find 45 minutes to an hour to exercise at once, break it up. Squeeze in a few ten-minutes bursts of exercise and you'll get great results!

64 If Scale Brings You down, Ditch It

If you find the number on the scale to be bringing you down, ditch the scale and rely on how your clothes fit as a gauge of how successful your weight loss has been.

65 Get Your Exercise in Early Morning

It can be a 10 minute resistance workout or a 30 minute run, but try getting up early and getting your workout in. As hard as it is to leave your bed, you may be surprised how accomplished and amazing you feel. This small step will help you drop pounds and feel absolutely amazing!

With so many fast, fun and effective weight loss tips on my list, there's bound to be a few inspirational ideas you'll be able to use on a daily basis... Which of these tips do you think will work best for you?
