All Women's Talk

Stampi importanti li żżomm f ' tat-telefown tiegħek...

Taf li tista ' tuża l-kamera tat-telefown tiegħek għal aktar minn ftit filwaqt li selfies, id-dritt? ^_^ Jiddispjaċini, ma setax jirreżisti! Naħseb li l-aħjar użu wieħed huwa biex jieħdu ritratti ta ' dokumenti u o © © etti aktar importanti tiegħek, imbagħad ikollok qatt ma pprova għandek għal qalbek dwar ma jintesa l-ID tiegħek, jitlef il-liċenzja tas-sewqan tiegħek jew oħra irritanti u inkonvenjent abbużiv għall-bhejjem. Naturalment, ikollok għandek l-għażliet tiegħek stess ta ' dak li hu importanti li int imma hawn-lista ġenerali biex tikseb inti bdiet.

Table of contents:

  1. il-passaport
  2. sewwieq liċenzja
  3. l-istudent ID
  4. assigurazzjoni karti
  5. il-preskrizzjonijiet & medikazzjoni
  6. Parking
  7. Rental Apartments
  8. Frequent Flyer Numbers
  9. License Plate and Car Stickers
  10. Rental Car Condition
  11. Valuables
  12. Your Pet

1 il-passaport

Il-passaport tiegħek hija waħda mill-istampi aktar importanti biex iżommu fil-telefown tiegħek - mingħajr ma, jkollok fl-ebda tmiem ta ' l-inkwiet, jekk inti qed traveling u f'daqqa waħda ssib ruħek mingħajr wieħed. F'bosta pajjiżi huwa obbligatorju li juri il-passaport tiegħek jew xi forma oħra ta ' l-identità meta mitluba biex jagħmlu dan mill-Pulizija. Wara li a back up ta ' passaport numru u jintemm id-data tiegħek hija utli, dejjem meta tixtieq kotba futuri ta ' l-ivvjaġġar jew jagħtu prova lill-prinċipal potenzjali inti huma intitolati li jaħdmu f ' pajjiż partikolari mingħajr permess tax-xogħol jew viża.

2 sewwieq liċenzja

Il-liċenzja tas-sewqan tiegħek jikkwalifika ħafna ħafna fost l-aktar importanti ritratti għal żżomm fil tat-telefown tiegħek. Ħafna nies użu dan id-dokument bħala l-ID ewlenija tagħhom, meta huma tixtieq tipprova l-età tagħhom fi a bar, jikkonferma tagħhom isem u nazzjonalità fil-lukanda fuq prenotazzjoni fil jew timla l-formoli għal kwistjonijiet relatati xogħol / / benefiċċji tal-pensjoni.

3 l-istudent ID

Kif ħafna drabi ma inti tikseb mitlub għal dan?

3 assigurazzjoni karti

Ħu ritratt ta ' quddiem u wara tiegħek karti ta ' l-assigurazzjoni u li se jagħtik l-informazzjoni kollha li teħtieġ, jekk għandek okkażjoni biex tkellem lill-assiguraturi tiegħek dwar xi ħaġa jew bżonn biex tara tabib tiegħek.

4 il-preskrizzjonijiet & medikazzjoni

Your pictures should show the names, expiration dates, dosages and doctor's name and phone number.

5 Parking

It is not unusual to forget where you've parked the car - so take a snapshot of your car with a memorable background that shows either the parking lot address and contact details or a recognizable street corner. And if that's not possible, take a screenshot of Google Maps of the exact parking location.

6 Rental Apartments

Take pictures of your furnished rental apartment the day you move in and the day you move out again - they serve as evidence in disputes over rental deposits. Your landlord or their agents won't be able to claim for damages or losses that haven't actually occurred according to photographic evidence on your phone.

7 Frequent Flyer Numbers

Keep snapshots of your frequent flyer cards and those of your travel companion in your phone. That way you have them to hand when you need them.

8 License Plate and Car Stickers

Don't delay - do this right away: make a note of your license plate, and photograph it too, along with pics of your car insurance document, car registration and your VIN.

9 Rental Car Condition

Take snapshots of your rental car, inside and out, before returning the vehicle to the service desk. Any defects should be noted down on the end of contract form your rental place will complete when you return the vehicle, but photographic evidence speaks louder than words in cases of dispute. Be sure to take pictures of the gas gauge and mileage.

10 Valuables

Keeping serial numbers on valuables like TVs, photographic equipment, music equipment and instruments etc will make life so much easier when you have to make an insurance claim after a burglary, flood or fire. With the help of serial numbers, the police may even be able to trace your stolen goods and eventually return them to you.

11 Your Pet

Gripped by sudden wanderlust, our pets often run off without the slightest bit of consideration for their human companion, who must now telephone round neighbors and police, trying ever so hard to describe what your Labrador, Siamese cat, dachshund, poodle or schnauzer looks like. Important pictures to keep in your phone include good photos of your pet from all angles - which will greatly assist the police in tracing your pet, should your pet have been stolen or involved in an accident.

You can use this function for all sorts of snapshots of important things from your student ID to your library card to even consignment info for parcels. For the personal ID stuff, create a separate folder in your phone so you know exactly where to look for it.

Do you already do this? What important snapshots have you got in your phone?

Jekk jogħġbok rata dan l-artikolu
