7 古典的な美容治療すべて女の子行う必要がある方法を知っている彼女.


There’s something really luxurious about having your makeup done by someone else, but if you’re budget is anything like mine, it just doesn’t work out very often. That’s why you need to learn to do classic beauty treatments yourself. You can get it done without having to spend all the cash. Saving money and looking fabulous? I’m on board with that. Here are some of the beauty treatments you should know how to do. Hey, maybe you can even charge your friends once you know what you’re doing.

1 Trimming Your Own Bangs is Fast and Easy


2 Learn to Trim Your Own Brows – It’s Not Hard

This is something else I’ve learned to do so that I don’t have to pay someone all the time. Using a combination of tweezers and a battery operated trimmer, I can get rid of strays and long, loose brow hairs with ease. You’ll want a bright light and a close mirror, but I guarantee you can do this!

3 Give Yourself a Manicure and You’ll Never Need the Salon Again

Even if you prefer artificial nails, you can learn to do the technique yourself right at home. I prefer short, natural nails so I took the time to learn how to give myself a good manicure. I save a ton of cash and I can change things up whenever the mood strikes. Once you learn to do your own mani and pedi, you’ll wonder why you ever spent so much money paying someone else to do it for you.

4 Knowing How to do a Blowout is Awesome

I can honestly say that I’ve never paid anyone to give me a blowout. I have, however, done it myself on several occasions. I have curly hair and I usually keep it that way, but there’s no denying the greatness of a sleek, straight look. It’s actually not that hard to give yourself a blowout, which will give you some extra cash for a fab new outfit to go with it.

5 あなたの髪に正規ホットオイルトリートメント感謝するでしょう

あなたの髪にあなたのスタイリストは熱油処理可能性があります。または、あなたが自分でやる雑誌を読みしたり、働くためにそれを待っている間、ネットフリックスに追いつくこと。ドラッグ ストアで素晴らしいホットオイルトリートメントを買うことができる、単にそれらを適用する権利を家庭で。それはとても簡単、二度それを行うあなたのために誰を支払う必要はありません!

6 You’ll Love What a Home Facial Can do for You

I love going to the salon and getting a facial, but my checkbook doesn’t. That’s why learning to do it myself was something I was really excited to do. You’ll follow the same steps, including a scrub, clearing pores and moisturizing. Doing it yourself is super satisfying.

7 Whiten Your Own Teeth – Who Needs the Dentist?

[Ok] をあなたはまだあなたの歯のクリーニング、6 ヶ月ごとを得る必要がありますが、専門的なホワイトニング治療を支払う必要はありません。自宅で自分で治療を行うことができます多くの簡単かつ効果的なオプションがあります。それは高速といくつかのお金が残っている必要があります。

Which of these treatments can you do yourself? Will you be trying any of the others? What other treatments would you add to the list?
