All Women's Talk

8 exercices pour se débarrasser des sacoches pour les filles qui veulent botter leurs poignées d'amour...

Saddlebags refer to the flab that can surround your butt and upper quads. No one wants their booty to look out of shape, especially now that butts are the focus of every man's attention. That's why Sucre pop crée une liste d'exercices que vous pouvez faire pour se débarrasser de ces sacoches. Ils sont ici :

Table of contents:

  1. les augmentations
  2. Side Lunge to Curtsy
  3. Elbow Plank with Donkey Kick
  4. Plank Booty Leg Lifts
  5. Sumo Squats
  6. Side Saddle Leg Lifts
  7. Bridge
  8. The Clam Series

1 les augmentations

2 Side Lunge to Curtsy

3 Elbow Plank with Donkey Kick

4 Plank Booty Leg Lifts

5 Sumo Squats

6 Side Saddle Leg Lifts

7 Bridge

8 The Clam Series

These exercises will get your booty and upper quads looking better than ever before. What other exercises do you do on a daily basis?

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