The Dos and Don'ts of Wearing Perfume

Wearing perfume can be tricky, but with these dos and don'ts, you'll always smell great without overpowering those around you.

Perfume is a great way to express yourself and make a statement. But, it can be tricky to wear it without overpowering those around you. Here are some dos and don'ts to help you make sure you always smell great.


  • Do choose a scent that you like. It should be something that you enjoy wearing and that you feel comfortable in.
  • Do apply your perfume to your pulse points. These are the areas of your body that generate the most heat, such as your wrists, neck, and behind your ears.
  • Do layer your scent. Start with a body lotion or shower gel that has the same scent as your perfume. This will help the scent last longer.
  • Do use a light hand when applying your perfume. A few spritzes should be enough to last all day.


  • Don't spray your perfume directly onto your clothes. The alcohol in the perfume can damage the fabric.
  • Don't apply too much perfume. A little goes a long way and you don't want to overpower those around you.
  • Don't store your perfume in the bathroom. The heat and humidity can cause the scent to break down.
  • Don't forget to reapply. If you want your scent to last all day, you'll need to reapply it every few hours.

By following these dos and don'ts, you can make sure you always smell great without overpowering those around you. So, go ahead and express yourself with your favorite scent!

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