Helfen Sie, Ihre Poren mit diesen fabelhaften Tipps zu schrumpfen ...


Die Poren sind diese winzig kleine Löcher auf der Haut, die manchmal große aussehen und manchmal nicht. Während die tatsächliche Größe der Poren nicht wirklich ändert, können sie gedehnt werden. Das bedeutet, dass Sie diese kleiner aussehen vornehmen können. Diese Beratung soll Ihnen die glatte, makellose Haut erhalten, die Sie wünschen und können auch halten Poren klar von Bakterien, die zu Pickeln führen kann. Versuchen Sie diese einfachen Dinge um die Poren zu verkleinern und Sie lieben, was Sie sehen, wenn Sie in den Spiegel schauen.

1 Don’t Skimp on Your Face Washing Routine

Ich weiß, wie verlockend es sein kann, eine Gesicht zu waschen zu überspringen, aber wenn man in die Gewohnheit, nicht Sudsing oben, Sie setzen selbst für vergrößerte Poren und unreine Haut. Experten empfehlen, mindestens einmal am Tag waschen. Jedoch wenn Sie fettige Haut haben, profitieren Sie möglicherweise von waschen morgens und abends. In beiden Fällen müssen Sie sicher sein, dass Sie Ihr Gesicht waschen, bevor Sie zu Bett gehen jeden Tag.

2 Use Skin Products That Contain Retinol

Retinol is a magical little ingredient that helps clear pores, making them smaller and less noticeable. You can find retinols in facial cleansers and creams so you should be able to find something that works for you. If you have skin issues, such as sensitivity or eczema, talk to your dermatologist before using retinols.

3 Add Exfoliation to Your Skincare Routine

Exfoliating your skin clears out the pores, helping them look smaller. Experts recommend using a manual scrub at home once a week or so. Then try a chemical exfoliation every so often at the salon to get those pores really cleared out. Be sure you exfoliate gently so that you don’t damage your skin in the process.

4 Apply Sunscreen before You Leave the House Each Day

When you don’t wear sunscreen, your skin is exposed to free radicals that can cause damage. When your skin has to work to counteract this damage, you may notice that your pores stretch and look larger. By protecting your facial skin with daily sunscreen application, you can keep those pores tight and small all the time.

5 Wash Sweat off Your Face after a Workout

Getting in a sweaty workout is vitally important for your health and weight, but forgetting to wash the sweat away can lead to clogged pores that look larger than they are. If you can’t get a shower, use moist facial cleansing wipes to clear away the sweat and leave your pores fresh and clean.

6 Try a Steam Treatment to Close Pores

A steam treatment opens up your pores, which allows you to clean them out and then allow them to close up and look smaller. Fill a bowl with hot steaming water and hover your face over the bowl, covering your head with a towel to keep the steam on your face. After about 10 minutes of steaming, rinse your face with cool water to close the pores back up and finish off with a moisturizer.

7 Make Yourself an Appointment at the Salon

Head to your favorite salon and have microdermabrasion done. This treatment gently sloughs the top layers of skin off your face, leaving behind small, closed off pores that give you the smooth complexion you have been wanting. Laser resurfacing and a chemical peel can also help you get the results you want.

Have you ever done any of these things for your pores? What else would you add to the list?
