Kann mich nicht konzentrieren? Dies hilft...


Es gibt bessere und gesündere Möglichkeiten, um Ihre Konzentration zu verbessern und Fokus als Aufspannung Energie drinks den Nacken, knallen Koffein-Tabletten oder laden bis auf Kaffee. Und wenn Sie gefallenen Opfer der jüngsten Trend unter Studenten, Mütter und Führungskräften zu Adderall (nach Steven Macari Gründer der gestresst slvrbkhealth.com), you need to stop that now – it is addictive. If you know these things can be doing more harm than good, wouldn’t you want to know the natural ways to boost your focus?

1 Essen Sie mehr Protein

Here's a simple fix – eat more protein and boost your focus. Why protein works? It contains amino acids that help produce neurotransmitters responsible for making you feel focused, calm and excited. You can make these neurotransmitters work even effectively by opting for foods with a full spectrum of amino acids, such as beef, fish, eggs, poultry, yoghurt, and cheese. Taking protein supplements is also a good idea, but you should opt for the ones that contain amino acids such as Phenylalanine and Tyrosine.

2 Improve Digestion to Get Your Neurotransmitters Firing

The neurotransmitters that make you feel focused are largely produced in your gut, so your digestive system needs to work perfectly to make it easier for you to concentrate better. No matter how much protein you take, you won't get any benefits if your digestive system cannot break it down. For starters, you should stop eating stuff like corn, wheat, and soy that irritate the gut. You may also find a digestive enzyme supplement for support. If possible, start your meal with dandelion, Swedish bitters, lemon juice, arugula, apple cider vinegar, or something bitter. Add more gelatin-rich foods to your diet and be sure to chew everything properly.

3 Manage Stress to Be More Relaxed and Able to Focus

Für einen ausgeglichenen Geist und Körper ist es wichtig, Maßnahmen ergreifen, um den Stress in Ihrem Leben zu verwalten. Es geht nicht um meditieren für drei Stunden, die am Tag, aber Sie tatsächlich Ihre Nerven in 10-15 Minuten pro Tag entspannen können. Tun, was du gerne für 15 Minuten – es könnte sein, dass etwas wie zeichnen, lesen, jonglieren, Gemälde, Qigong, Tai Chi, Strecken, spielen ein Instrument und sogar einen Spaziergang an der frischen Luft. Mit diesen Stress-Management-Übungen wird einen Gewebe-Gebäude-Zustand auslösen, der was auf lange Sicht machen Sie fühlen sich entspannten und dennoch scharfen mit gezielter auszurichten.

4 Eat Fat and Fish Oil to Fuel Your Body and Mind

The nutrients found in fish oil make it one of the most effective and natural ways to boost concentration. Used to treat mood disorders, the regular use of fish oil will have a great impact on your brain. Just be sure to select a high quality brand and use it in moderation, considering your bodyweight and goals. Similarly, fats are good for your brain, but you should stick to high quality fats obtained from seeds, nuts, coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, and grass-fed butter.

5 Fix Your Adrenals to Have More Energy

If you've been finding it difficult to remember things or focus for extended hours, this could be due to adrenal gland inefficiency. Your adrenal glands release hormones (glucocorticoids) because of which you have enough energy to play hard and work harder. Your adrenals will burn out with time, which will make you feel tired, restless at night, and get sick more often. Start by taking at least 8 hours of sleep at night. Cut back on alcohol. Eat healthy food and take steps to reduce stress.

6 Drink Coffee but do It Sensibly

Are you having a hard time maintaining your focus? Grab a cup of coffee and you are all set to stretch it further. They call coffee the writers' drug because it helps keep them alert for long. The only issue is that you will need more and more of coffee with time. If you're choosing coffee for your "concentration-boosting" remedy, be sure to drink organic coffee or get an Americano or espresso because it contains less acidity and caffeine. You may also consider adding some fat to your coffee such as coconut oil, butter, or heavy cream to ensure it boosts your concentration without the crash.

7 Enjoy Cacao Cos It’s a Great Way to Have a Chocolate Fix

Consuming raw cacao is stimulating to your brain and is among the best natural ways to boost your focus. Avoid having it too close to bedtime and never consume more than a few silver dollar-sized pieces.

Do you think these natural ways to boost your concentration will help you? What other methods work – please share!
