17 sexy věci člověk by nikdy dělat v posteli...

Muži nemají dělat nic bláznivého v ložnici, aby nás sténat. Máme rádi jednoduché věci nejlépe, což znamená, že nebudou muset jít ven jejich způsobu, aby nás, prosím. Ve skutečnosti zde jsou některé z nejvíce sexy věci, kdy člověk mohl dělat v posteli, což jsou všechny super jednoduché:

1. polibky naše hrdla

Kisses Our Neck Z nějakého důvodu krk je super citlivá oblast. Jak tam políbila je lepší než líbání na rty, čelo a tváře dohromady.

2. je oční kontakt

Makes Eye Contact Nechceme, aby ho díváním se na stěnu, zatímco on se strkali. Je to sexy, když nás vypadá v očích.

3. Moans

Moans Ženské sténání nejsou jen sexy zvuky na světě. Je to stejně jako horké, když muž pronajímá malé zvuky.

4. jednání špinavé

Talks Dirty His voice can be a major turn-on. Nothing can compare to hearing him tell us how sexy we look or how badly he wants to taste us.

5. bere ovládání

Takes Control Sometimes, we just want to sit back and relax. It's nice when he takes the reigns and has his way with us.

6. Respects Us

Respects Us There's nothing sexier than a gentleman. We're not pieces of meat and we don't want to be treated as such.

7. nám říká, že nás má rád

Tells Us He Loves Us Sex is best when it's with the love of our lives. That's why hearing those three little words between the sheets makes everything feel more intense.

8. Touches Us Tenderly

Touches Us Tenderly It's always nice when the rough sex calms down a bit and he acts tender. Having our faces caresses and hair played with shows that we're more than just a sex object to him.

9. Asks What We Want

Asks What We Want He shouldn't be making all of the decisions. If he wants us to have a fun time too, then he'll ask us what positions we want to be in.

10. Gives Oral

Gives Oral Oral is selfless, which is why it's so sexy. Besides, it's the easiest way for a woman to orgasm.

11. Takes off Our Clothes

Takes off Our Clothes We don't want to be the ones to lift our own shirts over our heads. We want him to take the lead.

12. Compliments Our Performance

Compliments Our Performance We can get self-conscious about how good we are in bed. That's why it's always nice to hear a compliment about our performance.

13. Whispers

Whispers Talking is great, but whispering is even better. It'll make his voice sound even more seductive than usual.

14. Initiaties Foreplay

Initiaties Foreplay We don't want to jump right in to having sex. We want a slow buildup.

15. Shows Excitement

Shows Excitement When he looks like he's into it, then we're going to get more into it.

16. Acts Confident

Acts Confident We don't want him to be self-conscious. He's sexy, so he should act like it.

17. Touches Us Everywhere

Touches Us Everywhere We don't want to be touched in the obvious places. We want to be touched anywhere and everywhere.

If your man does any or all of these things, you're in for a treat. If your man needs some pointers, have him check out this list. What's the sexiest thing that a man has ever done while you were having sex?

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