All Women's Talk


你可能看標題,思考"沒辦法,何塞"。但它是可能的。這不是關於你生活目標的清單上,但卻是日常的一個。你需要開始是可以實現但也充滿了挑戰性的待辦事項清單 — — 否則為你寫一份短清單,即可搞定在沒有時間 !挑戰和效益在哪裡?不要不知所措,在正確的時間做正確的事情,闊步向前。

Table of contents:

  1. 平穩過渡
  2. 最大的第一
  3. 社會網路小時
  4. Preparation
  5. Avid Concentration
  6. Practice Mindful Attention
  7. Well Timed Exercise
  8. Curb Carbs
  9. Clean Space


快速完成您的待辦事項清單的最佳方法之一是使任務一樣光滑和拖延盡可能自由之間的過渡時間。不剔掉您的清單中的第一件事,然後關掉一小時。收集你的想法,從第一次完成得到提升,而前進到下一個完整津津有味 !


總是先在您的清單中最大的任務。這將有巨大的心理衝擊您的清單中的其餘部分。第一次做的最難、 最耗時的任務,所有來之後的其他任務將似乎完全輕鬆和簡單的比較,這就像走上一座小山,然後騎著自行車上它 !


Limit yourself to one single hour of social media time during your to-do list day. You can decide whether that is several little breaks throughout the day or one big block in the middle, but once your hour is up you have no other option than to carry on with your tasks!

4 Preparation

If you having already written your to-do list the night before, then do everything you can to set up your home in a way that will make completing the tasks much easier and time effective in the morning. Whether that is taking the washing out of the dryer to be ironed or defrosting food to be cooked while you sleep, every little helps!

5 Avid Concentration

You really need to be completely ruthless when it comes to avoiding distractions. With so many different gadgets sending notifications every minute of the day, you need to focus all of your brain power on seeing them as a reward for after you have ticked off everything on your list rather than a thing to pause your work for every two seconds!

6 Practice Mindful Attention

You can train yourself to be better at avoiding procrastination by practicing mindful attention, meaning that you sit down and allow your mind to drift, but as soon as you feel yourself drifting, make the conscious effort to bring yourself back to the task in hand. Continued practice of this will make your brain much stronger in resisting temptation.

7 Well Timed Exercise

Exercising at certain points throughout the day can be really helpful in giving you the adrenaline and endorphin boost that you need in order to stay focused and motivated on the tasks that you have to complete. Don’t let your workout be a diversion, but more a replenishment.

8 Curb Carbs

To be able to perform at your best mentally, you should avoid meals that are heavily carb based, as although they might give you an immediate temporary energy boost, you will be much more likely to crash and burn later on when your digestion really kicks in.

9 Clean Space

A clean space equals a clean mind, so in order to be as productive as possible and check off all of the tasks on your to-do list in no time at all, make sure that your work space is as spotless as it can be!

You don’t need more time to do the things you need to do – you just need to be better and more efficient.

