22 所有運行女孩可以都涉及的問題以及如何處理......



Your Toes你的朋友不明白為什麼你恨趾甲天......直到你剝開你的襪子,他們都看到你失蹤/黑色和藍色的腳趾甲。並且讓我們甚至不談論起水泡。


Slippery Headbands為什麼是如此不可能找到一個實際上保持超過一英里,你臉上的你頭髮的頭巾?


The Shoes我花了永遠習慣如何可怕的跑步鞋是。就像他們花費,你會認為有人能想出如何使它們可愛,以及支援。我看著你,美津濃。


The Chafing如果你幸運的話,你絕不會經歷痛苦的火鍋在哪裡你的上臂內側蹭你運行的坦克或 (多) 變得更糟,火鍋上縫上你的短褲你夫人部件的接縫。親愛的上帝。


The Sweating如果你不常看的一件毛衣,你的朋友可能會在多少你可以在運行期間汗感到震驚。

6.和鹽 !

And the Salt!當他們看到你額頭已成為距離天后的脆皮白鹽舔,他們也會感到恐懼。Oy。


The Ponytail當你的朋友穿著時運行的衣服,梳著馬尾辮,看起來可愛跑腿時,你知道你不能站著穿一個實際上跑步因為那裡是非常現實的可能性,當你改變方向時,你會被反復在臉上摑了一巴你自己的馬尾辮。


But then What?但如果你不穿的馬尾辮,什麼將你跟你的頭髮?


The Race Fees當你的朋友問為什麼你買不起第三個女孩晚上本月時,告訴他們真相 ︰ 你吹你的錢在註冊費。


The Clothes你一半的衣櫃裡是不能真的穿到辦公室,對日期或任何其他時間比跑步時的跑步裝備。


The Shoes提到了這個早,但它值得一提 ︰ 跑步鞋嚇死貴的和你需要買他們一年幾次。


Cyclists I hate people on bikes who seem oblivious to runners on the path. Dudes, pedestrians, including runners, have the right of way! So please don't hog the path. Thanks!

13. Gels

Gels To paraphrase Matthew Inman, energy gels taste like "boob milk from a cyborg." But they don't have to, do they? Can someone please work on this?

14. The Injuries

The Injuries Shin splints, hammy pulls, and plantar fasciitis. They're not fatal injuries, but if you're a runner, you know they sure feel like they are.

15. The Lingo

The Lingo You've been a runner for years now. When will your friends finally get the lingo you've been dropping? PR means "personal record" so when I tell you I beat my old PR by more than a minute, don't ask me for the thousandth time what that is, just be happy for me!

16. The Hunger

The Hunger They think PMS hunger is the biggest, baddest hunger ever. Nope. The hunger of training for a marathon is greater and more consuming. They will never understand. Now let's eat!

17. The Emotion

The Emotion At about mile 18 in my first marathon, I started crying because I needed salt and I couldn't find the Slim Jim I'd packed in my belt. I cried because I saw a dead bird on the side of the road. I cried because I saw someone holding a really nice sign. Running is emotional. I get it.

18. The Fear

The Fear Sometimes we get scared on a run. Off-leash dogs? Scary, sure. But running alone, at night, in the early morning, or in a secluded area freaks us out for a lot of reasons, assault being the biggest one. Male runners don't feel this way, and no one else really understands why you keep pepper spray around your wrist. Sure. It's for the dogs.

19. The Competition

The Competition I'd like to say I'm only in competition with myself, but that's kind of a lie. I'm racing everyone, whether they know it or not, and when they beat me, I'm more upset than I should be. Silly? Sure. But it's a problem!

20. Period Problems

Period Problems I've tried everything to cope with my flow when I'm running: tampons, pads, sponges, a cup. Like dealing with a period when you're NOT running isn't hard enough already, try coping when you're running a marathon for five hours.

21. Timing

Timing All your friends know is they're proud of you because you finished that 5k. They don't understand why you're so upset that the chip timing or clock was off. I get you though. Come on, timing company, get your act together!

22. Poop

Poop Oh girl, I get you. I really do. None of your non-runner friends understand the importance of regularity for a runner, but I do. I understand. Let's leave it at that.


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