關於男人真的愛上在婦女的 7 報價...

這是一個神話,男人只在乎一個女人看上去的那樣。當然,他們喜歡盯著眼睛糖果,但它需要更多比漂亮的臉蛋和火辣的身材,他們墜入愛河。一個女人必須要有很好的個性。如果你需要證明,這裡有幾個關於男人真的愛上婦女在報價 ︰


A Beautiful World約會的點並不是實際上上床。它是使他的生活少點壓力。這就是為什麼男人想要與女人使他們的日子更明亮。如果你讓他痛苦,因為你最終戰鬥每當你看到對方,他不會想和你在一起。同時,如果你總是把他的臉上的微笑,讓他更快樂,不是他是他獨自一人時,他會想要永遠和你在一起。


Intelligent Women There are plenty of men out there who actually prefer a woman's brain to her body. Frank Sinatra was one of those guys. After all, he can only stare at you for so long. When he's done gawking, he's going to have to have an actual conversation with you. When that happens, he won't have any fun talking to someone with a low IQ. He'd prefer to date a woman with a big brain.

3. Intelligence

Intelligence Here's another quote to remind you about the importance of intelligence. You can only talk to a dull person for so long. Meanwhile, if you find someone whose intelligence matches yours, you'll never run out of things to talk about. That's why decent men actually prefer your brain over your body.

4. Different Men like Different Things

Different Men like Different Things It's hard to explain what men love in women, because every man is completely different. That's why you shouldn't be insecure over all of the traits you have that you think are a turn-off to men. When you find the right guy, he'll be attracted to the things that all of the men in your past were intimidated by.

5. Respect

Respect Men aren't all that different from us. They want respect, just like we do. That means they don't want to date women who talk down to them or think of them as inferior. They want to be with someone who respects them and views them as an equal.

6. Feel Good

Feel Good Why do people date? Well, it's to make themselves happier. That's why men are basically looking for a woman who will make them feel better about themselves. That doesn't mean that you should laugh at all his jokes and pretend that he's a King. If he's the right guy for you, you'll automatically make him feel good, without even doing a thing.

7. What They Are

What They Are Forget everything you've heard about opposites attracting. Even though you're not going to have the same exact personality as your man, men tend to want women who are similar to them. So if you have some of the same traits, it's actually a good thing.

Different men like different things. Of course, good guys value your brain over your body and want to be treated with respect. It's as simple as that. What is your favorite quality in a man?


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