All Women's Talk

Com vostè pot legítimament canviar la teva vida...

Dient que voleu canviar la teva vida és una cosa-tothom diu que en algun moment. Aquells que realment significa això i, encara més, prenent els passos per canviar de veritat, són més difícils. Canvi és més fàcil en teoria del que és en la pràctica, perquè és por. Significa un pas cap al desconegut, i que de vegades és aterridor. Vostè té preocupacions diverses, sempre hi ha una raó que no pot fer un pas, i és més fàcil somiar que és actuar. Vostè pot fer-ho, però. Vull dir, vostè realment pot fer-ho. Has de ser realista, no pot esperar una epifania i només pot tenir donar el pas, però realment pot legítimament canviar la teva vida perquè pugueu experimentar la felicitat i autorealització.

Table of contents:

  1. Identify What Really Makes You Unhappy
  2. Get Rid of It
  3. pensar en el que et fa realment feliç
  4. But Be Willing to Tweak Them if You Need to
  5. Take the First Steps
  6. Find Someone to Motivate You
  7. Keep Pushing

1 Identify What Really Makes You Unhappy

Si alguna cosa et fa infeliç, és tòxic. Que passa amb la gent, llocs de treball, fins i tot el lloc on vostè viu. Es pot viure envoltada de la infelicitat. Això arrossega cap avall, deixant-lo amb cap energia, cap motivació i sense forces. Cal identificar les coses que portarà a baix, encara que sigui difícil d'admetre. Això pot requerir autoreflexió, discussions amb el seu més propers, o potser fins i tot una mica teràpia-vegades revelar coses un estrany és més fàcil i una opinió imparcial sempre és útil.

2 Get Rid of It

Aquesta és una de les parts més difícils. Cal desfer-se de la toxicitat. Regata tot allò que és portar-li avall – o almenys abordar-lo. Per exemple, la relació pot ser donant-li problemes. Si el seu soci està disposat a treballar sobre les qüestions i, per descomptat, són capaços de ser honest sobre ells, llavors no cal desfer-se de la seva parella. De la mateixa manera, si és feliç amb la seva elecció de carrera però infeliç amb la seva posició actual, pot buscar maneres de fer canvis sense canviar el que fas. No obstant això, de fet pot necessitar a renunciar al seu treball actual o canviar el seu camí a l'escola- o tornar enrere, potser.

3 pensar en el que et fa realment feliç

If you could do anything, what would you do? Really, anything. If I could do anything, I'd go back to medical school in a heartbeat. Now, sadly, some goals aren't within the realm of possibility – at least, not right now. If you want to be a bestselling author, for example, you can't just dream about the day you'll actually write it. You have to write, try to get a job that showcases your talents, try to make contacts, keep writing – the point is, if your goal is worth it, you may have to take it step by step.

4 But Be Willing to Tweak Them if You Need to

And, yes, sometimes you need to … not settle, exactly, but tweak your dreams. Take medical school for me. It's not possible. I'm married, Heather and I are starting a family, and it's not logical for me to take that much time to do a job I love. So, I tweaked it. I'm going to mortuary science school. It's a roundabout logic, yeah, but it relates to the fact that I initially wanted to be a pathologist. Anyway, you get what I mean, yes? Don't be ashamed of tweaking.

5 Take the First Steps

Call a college admissions office. Book a plane ticket. Schedule a talk with your boss. Have a heart to heart with your partner. Whatever your first step is, make it. Even if you just make the first step, it's a start. It's true that the biggest journeys begin with the first step. Taking it is monumental because there are millions of excuses for putting it off.

6 Find Someone to Motivate You

If you're motivated by making an inspiration board or keeping a list of your goals on your bathroom mirror, good on you – keep it up! I propose that everyone making a big change needs a cheerleader, though, someone who can motivate you in a way that works for you. Being held accountable is important, especially when you're nervous or fearful of change. I need tough love and Heather's the best at it. Know what motivates you and share your goals with someone who can provide it.

7 Keep Pushing

No matter what. If you hit a wall or reach an obstacle, don't get anxious, depressed, or defeated. Look for ways around it – make it a detailed search. There's bound to be something and, if there's not, you can always tweak. For instance, if you want to be a doctor but can't pursue your dream right now, you could look into becoming a nurse, an EMT, or a PA first.

Change is scary. It's big. It's unpredictable. Really, though, so is everything else. You owe it to yourself to be happy, whatever that entails. So, again, let me ask you – if you could be anything, what would you be?

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