All Women's Talk

7 тайни за поддържане на тази гореща тънък тяло...

Като майка на три с четвъртото дете по пътя аз съм в най-добрата форма на живота ми сега от здравословно хранене, упражнения и няколко други причини, които ще се уверите, да споделя. В действителност аз съм в добра физическа форма форма сега, отколкото дори в моя тийнейджъри. Това е от житейски избор и извършването на промени, за да се даде приоритет на здравето ми. Аз също осъзнават сега, че малки промени добавите до да направи голяма разлика. И аз също имам някои тайни да се поддържа гореща тънък тяло и Супер здраве. Това са неща, които можете да следвате за да промените живота си. Така че преди да го обвиняваме на генетиката или липса на мотивация мелодия в реалния живот Тайните да просто как да се поддържа гореща тънко тяло.

Table of contents:

  1. Exercise Early
  2. задължавам си ядро
  3. Stand Tall
  4. Tighten Your Muscles
  5. Drink Plenty of Water
  6. Eat Small Healthy Meals through Day
  7. Get to Bed Earlier

1 Exercise Early

Rise and sweat to start the day the right way. If you exercise bright and early you will get your workout out of the way and there's less chance of missing your fitness session. We make time for what it important to us so make time for your workout and maintain your slim sexy body. If I can do it working full time with 3 kids, you can do! It all is within you!

2 задължавам си ядро

I am constantly tightening my core when I work out and even when I am doing simple tasks like standing in line at the grocery store. Engaging your core will help train your muscles to stay tight and toned so you can see better muscle definition.

3 Stand Tall

Stand up tall and be proud of your physique with strong posture. Aside from feeling more confident, you will look slimmer when you stand tall. Studies show that good posture can make you appear to be 10 pounds lighter. So stand tall, slim and smile!

4 Tighten Your Muscles

Tighten your muscles isolating each muscle separately. Start with your abs, then the muscles in your legs, then calves and do not forget your arms. This is what body builders do before a show and for good reason; you are training your muscles to stay tight. So let’s tighten, tone and get the slim, sexy body you always dreamed of!

5 Drink Plenty of Water

Water does good because it helps remove toxins from your body, betters your skin, organs and helps your body to function more efficiently. An efficient body is better at burning fat and can mean a boosted metabolism. So aim for 10 glasses of water a day to keep a slim, sexy body to stay!

6 Eat Small Healthy Meals through Day

Mini meals do good in terms of effective metabolic functioning, avoid having mood swings and never feel hungry again. Small meals throughout the day, along with exercise is the answer to achieving and maintaining your best body yet. Just make sure your meals are heavy on the veggies, whole grains and fruits!

7 Get to Bed Earlier

Get to bed sleepy head; your body will thank you with more weight loss, more energy and you will just feel better. You will also avoid secreting the hormone cortisol which causes you to gain weight. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night!

These are secrets that I follow every day. Do you have any to add? Maybe you now take the stairs when you can or avoid fried food? Share what works for you and take a page from my book to help you achieve your goals

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