Panic attacks are nothing more than misfired body signals that lead to a false fight or flight alarm. Nevertheless, panic attacks are extremely uncomfortable and upsetting. No one is exempt from experiencing them. The attacks can happen anytime and anywhere. If these attacks are not managed, they can restrict your lifestyle and even lead to agoraphobia. To prevent this problem from progressing, here are eight tips to cope with the attacks.
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Breathe Slowly
Photo Credit: LunaDiRimmel
During a panic attack, you may feel like you are having difficulty breathing. However, don’t be fooled. You are just hyperventilating and are taking in too much oxygen. To normalize oxygen levels, breathe slowly through cupped hands or a brown paper bag. Do this until you feel that you are breathing normally again.
Live Healthy
Photo Credit: PhysicalPark
To avoid having excess adrenaline, exercise regularly. Eat healthy to keep your sugar levels constant. Avoid drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol. Don’t expose yourself to unnecessary stress as this can cause your body to sound off a false alarm.
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Talk to Someone
Photo Credit: guzi4real
Don’t keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Write in a journal or start a blog. Talk to people who will understand and support you. Online forums are also a great source of tips and support from other people who have panic attacks.
Passively Experience the Feelings
Photo Credit: MelindaShay(:
Panic attacks are not harmful and they will not kill you. Think of the feelings during an attack as temporary and fleeting. Just as you let thoughts flow passively during meditation, try to experience the negative feelings passively during a panic attack. Don’t try to fight the feelings because this can increase adrenaline and cause more panic.
Don’t Focus on the Attack
Photo Credit: ~aspidistra~
Distance yourself from the attack by focusing on other things outside yourself. Try thinking of happy thoughts or experiences. Listen to relaxing or happy music to distract you from the disturbing feelings and thoughts. Do something you enjoy that can divert your attention from the attack. Be with people who can talk you through the scary experience.
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Learn a Relaxation Technique
Photo Credit: d.anny
Relaxation techniques can help control or reduce the panic you feel. Try this simple relaxation technique. Be in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Breathe slowly, deeply, and though your belly. Flex and then relax the different muscles in your body. Start with the feet and slowly move upwards. Feel the tension dissolving as you do this exercise.
Desensitize Yourself
Photo Credit: mvkphotos
You associate people, places, and events with panic attacks. Staying away from these things can restrict your lifestyle. Instead, constantly but gradually expose yourself to the situations, places, and people that you associate with your attacks. You will eventually be desensitized enough that you can continue to live your life normally.
Consider Therapy
Photo Credit: GreensboroChiro
You might want to consider counseling or therapy if you feel like you cannot cope with the attacks by yourself. Therapy can help change your way of thinking. It can also help you learn coping mechanisms or relaxation techniques.
Remember that a panic attack is merely a miscommunication between your brain and the chemicals in your body. Like any other miscommunication, it can be corrected. Contrary to how they make you feel, panic attacks are safe and completely manageable. You do not need to give them power over your life. Slowly regain control over yourself with the suggested coping mechanisms.
Top Photo Credit: doc18

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