All Women's Talk

17 srčkan stavki vključiti v svoje zaobljube...

Ni važno, če ste že opravlja ali če ste celo imeli prvi poljub še. Kakorkoli, lahko še vedno sanjarila o tvoj veliki dan. Da vam pomaga načrtovati ven, tukaj je nekaj srčkan stavki vključiti v svoje zaobljube:

Table of contents:

  1. I Vow Not Just to Grow Old Together, but to Grow Together
  2. I Will Celebrate Your Triumphs and Mourn Your Losses as Though They Were My Own
  3. I Promise to Always Be Your Biggest Fan and Your Partner in Crime
  4. da je malo pravijo da še niste že slišali, in malo dal, da je ni že na voljo
  5. I Will Try in Every Way to Be Worthy of Your Love
  6. I Believe in You, the Person You Will Grow to Be and the Couple We Will Be Together
  7. I Will Laugh with You in Times of Joy, and Comfort You in Times of Sorrow
  8. I Promise to Comfort You when the Falcons Lose and Drink Beer with You when They Win
  9. obvezujem se, poslušati svoje nasvete, in včasih sprejela in sem obljubo, da nikoli ne bo rezultat... Tudi če jaz sem popolnoma zmago
  10. obljubim, da vedno ljubim. Seveda kot soj zvezd ponoči, bo vedno ljubim te
  11. I Promise to Love You in Good Times and in Bad, when Life Seems Easy and when It Seems Hard, when Our Love is Simple, and when It is an Effort
  12. Your Beauty, Heart, and Mind Inspire Me to Be the Best Person I Can Be
  13. bo spoštujem vas kot oseba, partnerja in enako
  14. I Give You My Hand. I Give You My Love. I Give You Myself
  15. You Have Been My Best Friend, My Confidant, My Entertainer, an Amazing Boyfriend and My Greatest Challenge
  16. All I Want is What We Already Have: True Love
  17. Ljubim te... ne le kaj, ampak za kaj jaz sem, ko sem z vami

1 I Vow Not Just to Grow Old Together, but to Grow Together

The love of your life should make you want to be a better person, after all.

2 I Will Celebrate Your Triumphs and Mourn Your Losses as Though They Were My Own

If you love him, his happiness should be your happiness.

3 I Promise to Always Be Your Biggest Fan and Your Partner in Crime

He should be your teammate, through and through.

4 da je malo pravijo da še niste že slišali, in malo dal, da je ni že na voljo

You've already told him how much he means to you, because everyday is as special as your wedding day.

5 I Will Try in Every Way to Be Worthy of Your Love

You want to show him that you're worth his effort, because you know he's worth yours.

6 I Believe in You, the Person You Will Grow to Be and the Couple We Will Be Together

It's always nice to know someone believes in you.

7 I Will Laugh with You in Times of Joy, and Comfort You in Times of Sorrow

No matter what, you'll be on his side.

8 I Promise to Comfort You when the Falcons Lose and Drink Beer with You when They Win

To je tako smešno reči, vedno boste tam za njega.

9 obvezujem se, poslušati svoje nasvete, in včasih sprejela in sem obljubo, da nikoli ne bo rezultat... Tudi če jaz sem popolnoma zmago

Here's another silly phrase that should get your groom laughing.

10 obljubim, da vedno ljubim. Seveda kot soj zvezd ponoči, bo vedno ljubim te

This is a mushy way to admit your love.

11 I Promise to Love You in Good Times and in Bad, when Life Seems Easy and when It Seems Hard, when Our Love is Simple, and when It is an Effort

Basically, no matter what, you'll always love him.

12 Your Beauty, Heart, and Mind Inspire Me to Be the Best Person I Can Be

To je, kaj so vsi približno zdrave odnose.

13 bo spoštujem vas kot oseba, partnerja in enako

Neither one of you is better than the other. You're equals.

14 I Give You My Hand. I Give You My Love. I Give You Myself

What's sweeter than this?

15 You Have Been My Best Friend, My Confidant, My Entertainer, an Amazing Boyfriend and My Greatest Challenge

Your man should be all of this and more.

16 All I Want is What We Already Have: True Love

That's all you need in life.

17 Ljubim te... ne le kaj, ampak za kaj jaz sem, ko sem z vami

The right man for you should make you the best woman that you can possibly be.

Vaš poroka bo odlična, če vi raba fraz kot ti! Katere druge lepe stvari ste slišali nekaj vključujejo v svoje zaobljube?


Ocenite ta članek
