All Women's Talk

Pokušajte 30 dana izazov u trbuhu...

Ako želite da biste dobili ripped, Rafinerija 29 has you covered. They've created a 30 day ab challenge that is sure to get you feeling fit. Here's what you need to do:

Ako niste sigurni što podrazumijeva onih vježba, ovdje je kvar:

Table of contents:

  1. ptica psi
  2. mrtve bube
  3. Knee-to-Nose
  4. Leg Lowers

1 ptica psi

2 mrtve bube

3 Knee-to-Nose

4 Leg Lowers

Are you going to challenge yourself to complete these workouts?

Molimo da ocijenite ovaj članak
