How Men Dump Nice Girls ...


How Men Dump Nice Girls ...
How Men Dump Nice Girls ...

By Dick Anderson

When guys date really nice girls, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that boredom quickly sets in and they need to find a way out. The problem is that the idea of dumping them raises all kinds of issues with guilt.

And no one wants to feel guilty about dumping a girl. But it is a necessary evil. After all, life is too short to spend it with someone you don’t want to be with.

So if you’re a nice girl and wondered whatever happened to James - why he just seemed to disappear from your life, you’ll probably find the answer within these pages.

Who is the nice girl?

First off, who is this “nice girl”? Well, she’s sweet and innocent, and her idea of rebelling is jaywalking. She’s very vanilla, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but there’s no doubt that everyone likes a little rocky road every once in a while.

Of course, there are many guys who’ve dated rats in the past and want nothing more than a good, predictable, reliable girl to spend his time with, but for many men in their 20s and even 30s, they’d prefer to spend their time being challenged.

**Why men dump nice girls
It’s funny how life works sometimes. When it comes to a nice girl, we always know where she is, we know she’s reliable, and we know that she would never betray us. You’d think that this was the ideal woman.

But because this nice girl comes with guarantees, so to speak, we find ourselves wanting more. While safety is appreciated, and it’s what we think we want, when men find themselves faced with a woman who will be good to and for him, he tends to run in the other direction.

**How men dump nice girls
It’s quite possible that after we walk away from the nice girl, we spend a lot of time reminiscing about how great she was… especially when we begin dating a high-maintenance bitch.

Nevertheless, we do ultimately walk away. But how? How do we do it without feeling tons of guilt? It’s hard, but here’s how we manage.

**How men dump nice girls #1
Stop calling**
If we were calling about once a day, that would stop fast. And I don’t mean that we’d lessen the phone calls until they reached the once a week status; we would rip that phone calling task off like a bandage

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This stuff really isn't totally true ladies. There are alot of us guys who can't find a nice girl. We don't want to deal with a bitch. We don't want to justify our actions to someone with a bad attitude. Try dating someone who you can be friends with. Maybe then you'll have some sort of connection where you don't have to pretend to be a bitch or pretend other things. Anon; please don't start being a bitch. Some guys might want a bad girl for a night or for sex sessions, but we really really don't want bitches. Be yourself.

I've never been dumped for being a "nice girl", or really at all, but my "nice girl" status has kept me hopelessly single. I'm the friend that guys hangout with, but never date. And if they do, they either don't tell me so as to not mess up the friendship, or they lead me on until they work out their feelings. The latter has gotten so bad that I had to confront a guy through a strongly worded e-mail to ask what the hell was going on with our friendship, because he was perpetually avoiding me, and when I'd talk to him, he would say I was one of his best friends. I know I've earned my reputation as a nice girl, and I really am, but how do I get guys to see that I'm more than just that? I mean, I'm not a vanilla scented sugar cube with a pair of boobs, and a happy face drawn on (no they don't make those, but how awesome would it be if they did?), I'm just nice and unusually responsible for a teenager (responsible to the point that I've been deemed the group mother, and been compared to Phylis from The Office, although god knows why the latter, as she's really not all that nice, although matronly). Okay, getting off topic... What I want to know is how do I let guys see that I'm more than just the "nice girl" and not compromise my morals, and go beyond my comfort zone? I'm also demisexual, so add that to the problem, as I'm not willing to do anything physically with a guy (beyond holding hands, pecks on the cheeks and lips, and hugs) unless I'm really, really into him, practically in love. So, I've been named a prude, making me less appealing to guys. Advice?

why do nice women finish last

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