All Women's Talk

7 consells per a les nenes que xuclo delineador alats...

Tingui vostè provat i provat, llavors provats una altra vegada crear ales perfectes amb el seu delineador d'ulls? I encara que encara no es pot dominar-lo. Si cal aplicar, eixugar repetició, acabar amb alguna cosa que sembla més aviat una cama que una ala, aquestes puntes són per a vostè.

Table of contents:

  1. dibuixar fullejar cap més que de lluny
  2. Rough Sketch First
  3. Dark Eye Shadow First
  4. Use a Spoon!
  5. Scotch Tape
  6. Business Card
  7. No Squinting

1 dibuixar fullejar cap més que de lluny

Una de les millors consells per com fer delineador d'ulls alats és aconseguir en l'hàbit de pel. lícula cap a l'ull en comptes de dibuix. Mentre que la majoria decideix fer-ho per treballar des del plec interior de l'ull sortir, molts artistes del maquillatge realment dir que és molt més fàcil fer-ho de la manera oposada perquè té molt més control quan comencen des de fora i treballar el seu camí. Això crea una mena de pla que pot treballar amb i tenen molt més control.

2 Rough Sketch First

If you use both an eye pencil and a liquid eyeliner to achieve your wings, then it’s always a good idea to draw a rough outline of how you want your wings to look with the pencil before you commit to applying the liquid liner. This will give you a template to work with and you can easily use a damp cotton tip to get rid of any marks that are left behind after you have applied the perfect flick!

3 Dark Eye Shadow First

Liquid eyeliner is probably the hardest product in the entire process to remove and start again if you happen to mess up, so to make it easier for you, try sketching the shape you desire with dark eye shadow first, then once you have it where you want it you can easily trace over this with the liquid liner that will seal the deal and solidify that wing in its rightful place!

4 Use a Spoon!

Believe it or not, a simple spoon can make applying winged eyeliner so much easier than you would have thought! All you have to do is hold the handle of the spoon up to and against the corner of your eye and draw a simple straight line. After the straight line, you then trace around the edge of the spoon to create the all-important curve. Make sure not to go too far with the spoon curve though, you don’t a wing tip that almost reaches your ears!

5 Scotch Tape

Treat your eye area like a wall plug when you’re painting a room by sticking some protective scotch tape over it to achieve a nice clean line! You want to use the clear variety that isn’t super sticky, and you want to tape in an upward slant against your eye. You can trace along the edges of the tape and it will give a clean, crisp, satisfying flick.

6 Business Card

If you don’t fancy the idea of sticking tape so close to your eyes, then you can always improvise the same sort of shape using a business card. Simply hold the edge of the card against the corner of your eye in the exact spot that you want the flick to be and just proceed to trace along the edge.

7 No Squinting

It can be really hard not to squint when you are putting something pointy close to your eye, but to achieve the very best possible results you need to try not to squint your eyes. A good way of doing this is by holding a mirror downwards; it will really help to relax your gaze.

Now you can rock winged eyeliner with the best of them. Go girl!

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